November 22, 2011
To Penn State Alumnae, It's Time to Lead…
by Helen Tansey ©
Who does the Board of Trustees at Penn State think they are kidding? Hiring the former master of cover ups FBI Director, Louis Freeh, is a big ass flag signalling the board at Penn State is in serious cover-up mode. Add to this Freeh’s possible conflict of interest which would only lead to his own bias toward this investigation. reported Freeh’s ties to Penn State itself in a blockbuster article titled “Penn State investigator is ex-exec at firm with PSU ties: Update. One doesn’t bring in a hired “cover up” gun like Freeh unless, well, unless tentacles start to creep into lets say the Governor’s office –
“In 2009 more allegations were brought against Jerry Sandusky by Clinton County High School for molesting young boys where Sandusky was a volunteer coach. The 2009 charges were the responsibility of than Attorney General (Republican) Tom Corbett. Corbett claims he put off the case because he had ties to the Sandusky family. In 2009 Corbett had enough evidence to arrest Sandusky but chose to wait. Ironically the Second Mile Charity had donated over $640,000 to Corbett’s political campaigning including $200,000 for Corbett’s 2010 race for Governor of Pennsylvania To make matters worse Governor Tom Corbett aware of the Sandusky child molestation case in 2009 as attorney general approved a $3,000,000 state grant to The Second Mile Charity in 2010 and this is the same governor who refused to spend $40 million for disabled citizens but had $3 million to give a charity who he knew was the focus point of a child molestation case.“
It has also been reported by that when acting as Pennsylvania’s top cop, Corbett assigned one measly investigator to the Sandusky case –
“Gov. Tom Corbett took the case on a referral from the Centre County district attorney in early 2009 while he was serving as attorney general.
The attorney general’s office declined to comment on the pace of the investigation.
The Patriot-News of Harrisburg reported Monday that only one trooper was assigned to the case after the state took it over in 2009. After Corbett became governor early this year and his former investigations supervisor in the attorney general’s office, Frank Noonan, became state police commissioner, seven more investigators were put on it, the newspaper said.”
And if it is leading to Corbett’s office you just know it will lead to former Governor Rendell –
“Pittsburgh — The charity established by the former Penn State coach at the heart of a child sex abuse scandal received approval for a $3 million state grant but the release of those funds is now on hold.
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports Wednesday the grant for The Second Mile was approved by Gov. Tom Corbett’s office earlier this year. Corbett was the attorney general whose office began the investigation into the alleged sexual contact between charity founder Jerry Sandusky and young boys.
The Post-Gazette report says the legislature budgeted for the grant last year and the funds were approved for release by Gov. Ed Rendell. Corbett’s office reviewed the grant agreement after he took office in January and approved the money.
Corbett’s office says the grant is now on hold.”
The children who are the victims of a nearly 30 year cover up by all parties involved will likely never see the justice they so richly deserve if this farce of an “independent” investigation goes forward. Instead, these kids, many now young adults, will endure yet a second level of trauma none should ever have to go through, while adding an entirely new class of victims – Penn State Almunae!
The Board of Trustees at Penn State and the Second Mile Foundation are culpable for the most horrendous and despicable acts perpetrated on the innocent. Nothing short of a full housecleaning and all parties involved locked behind bars for life will even come close to satisfying the disgust, the absolute disgust, citizens hold toward those who looked the other way and did nothing to protect these young kids from the most heinous acts by those entrusted to care for them. NOTHING!
It’s high time the Alumnae of Penn State rally around the victims and conduct their own damned independent investigation of the multiple crimes committed by the leadership of Penn State who has absolutely failed you. Independent meaning removing the professional hired guns like Louis Freeh from doing further emotional damage to these victims and their families and giving cover to those in positions of power who neutered or quashed police investigation after police investigation.
Silence or sitting on the sidelines won’t suffice. Not this time. People have absolutely had it with supposed adults placed in leadership positions using their power to further their sick and twisted abuse of children.
Do you hear me Penn State Alumnae?
Do the children, the citizens of Pennsylvania, the nation a favor and rip this “pretend” internal investigation out of the Board of Trustees hands and hire your own independent team so as to get to the bottom of this God awful mess. Be the leaders your alma mater inspired you to be.
By not taking the future of your beloved school into your own hands, you too will become a victim of this ongoing cover up. Don’t let that happen. Take the bull by the horns and lead!
The victims, their families, Happy Valley, your college, current and future students and the entire Alumnae deserve nothing less. The people of this nation will support you in earnest. We desperately need you to lead and succeed. Please take control of your beloved alma mater’s destiny today!
Below are three charts that clearly demonstrate the relationships between Louis Freeh, Gov Tom Corbett, Penn State and News Corps, yes, News Corp. –
A. Louis Freeh –
Here’s a link to a second Muckety map of Gov Tom Corbett.
February 27, 2011
Corbett Report – False Flags Unraveling – Sunday Update
Sunday Update – 2011/02/27Posted: 27 Feb 2011 06:55 AM PSTFalse Flags UnravelingTRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: This is James Corbett of with your Sunday Update for this 27th day of February, 2011. And now for the real news. In a series of breaking stories this month, more information is coming out exposing the true nature of the false flag attacks in Oklahoma City in 1995, in New York and Washington in 2001, and in London in 2005. Earlier this month, the UK’s Guardian newspaper revealed that Mohammed Junaid Babar, the American-raised Muslim who set up training camps in north-west Pakistan where he taught bomb making to supposed 7/7 bombing mastermind Mohammed Sidique Khan, was in fact an American informant who was cooperating with American authorities even before he was arrested in 2004. According to court documents obtained by The Guardian, the court, respresented by District Judge Victor Marrero, ruled that Babar “began cooperating even before his arrest and worked with the FBI and foreign governments” to investigate the London bombings. He was then sentenced to time served and 10 years probation meaning that the man who helped plot the deadliest terror attack in the UK, an attack that killed 52 people and injured hundreds of others, was let off with a slap on the wrists. Reaction has been swift, with British MPs from across the political spectrum criticizing the decision as a travesty of justice. As bereaved 7/7 family members struggled to understand what happened, experts pointed out that the logical conclusion is that the supposed trainer of the London underground bombing was in fact working for American intelligence. Graham Foulke, father of David Foulke, one of the 52 people to die in the London bombings, gave his view on the story to the Guardian newspaper. In related news, new bombshell evidence has emerged that the FBI received a phone call warning them the day before the explosion at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. Jesse Trentadue, the Salt Lake City lawyer who has been working on the case since 1995 to discover the killer of his brother, obtained documents from the FBI under the Freedom of Information Act showing how Michael Selby, an attorney who claimed to be working “off the books” in representing the federal government, attempted to make a deal with convicted OKC co-conspirator Terry Nichols to admit to making a call on April 18, 1995, warning the FBI of the tapes. A separate affidavit filed in Utah US District court by Nichols confirms the meeting with Selby, stating that Nichols had never heard of the call before and that he had not placed the call. Jesse Trentadue appeared on the Bill Deagle Nutrimedical Report earlier this week to discuss the new revelations and their significance. Finally this week, We Are Change has just released footage of their questions to Donald Rumsfeld at this years CPAC conference in Washington, D.C. where they asked the former Secretary of Defense about the $2.3 trillion dollars that he admitted to being lost from the Pentagon’s coffers on September 10, 2001. What is surprising is not that Rumsfeld attempted to dismiss the question by claiming that the money had always been there, a startling claim that would launch full-scale investigative reports in a free country with an independent press, but that it took 10 years for a group of volunteer citizen journalists to finally pose this question to Rumsfeld and receive any type of official explanation for the greatest accounting “blunder” in the history of the world. Rumsfeld’s answer is unlikely given Cynthia McKinney’s famous 2006 assertion that the total missing funds had actually increased to $3.5 trillion at that time, and that Rumsfeld made no such attempt at that time to explain that the money was there, but somehow invisible to the Pentagon budget analysts whose offices were blown up in the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. Equally incredible is the fact that Rumsfeld, appearing on the radio show of conservative talk show host Mancow Muller earlier this week, was questioned about the controlled demolition of World Trade Center Building 7 on the afternoon of September 11, 2001, and that he claimed not to know what the building even was. That the former Secretary of Defense did not know about the destruction of a 47-story office tower, one of the largest buildings in New York, on the day of the worst attack on American soil in recent history, did not make international headlines is newsworthy in and of itself, but if Mr. Rumsfeld was sincere in his ignorance of what happened on 9/11, he is encouraged to begin his research by visiting the website of along with the tens of millions of other Americans who know nothing about the controlled demolition of Building 7.
Interview 296 – Eric ShinePosted: 26 Feb 2011 05:39 PM PSTLt. Eric Shine joins us once again to discuss the latest developments of his case, including a brief from the NTSB regarding his appellate brief on the Coast Guard commandant’s decision. We also discuss Lt. Shine’s “greater Germania” concept and discuss the royal families who have been puppeteering world geopolitics for generations.This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |