Greenwald has done a series of interviews this week after reporting on the NSA’s collecting every phone and cell call made by every American and millions abroad all in the name of Washington’s self-created War on Terror. In this interview w/Scarborough, Greenwald goes into greater detail about how Washington has abused it’s authority by expanding the original intent of Section 215 of the Patriot Act to target ALL AMERICANS telephone and cellular communications plus all social media conversations while citizens were purposely kept in the dark –
Now that sunlight has been shown on what Washington and the Military Industrial Complex is and has been doing behind the proverbial curtain, TPTB are all in a tizzy behaving like a bunch of children who got caught taking cookies out of the cookie jar. No one in Washington is behaving like an adult. A statesman. Least of all the very congressional critters charged with the responsibility to oversee America’s national security.
What my private conversations with my family and friends have to do with anything remotely related with terrorism is pure poppycock. Washington, you crossed the line, not us Americans. Instead of behaving like a bunch of pampered babies WHO GOT CAUGHT grow up and deal with this very real crisis like ADULTS!
A great place to start is stop wasting time on the messengers and start having the conversation with us, the People of the United States of America. Here’s a great place to start – since when did American citizens become terrorists? If we’re not, then why in the hell are you invading our privacy?
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