January 3, 2014
This was fun to watch…
Yesterday, both the NYT and the Guardian published editorials advocating for Snowden’s safe return to the US. Others are weighing in on whether Obama should give him clemency or some reduced punishment to get him to return, while other dimwits suggest he should be hung from the nearest tree. [Read more…]
October 2, 2013
Special Report: Naval War College's involvement in personal cyber-attacks no mere aberration
October 1, 2013
by Wayne Madsen
Wayne Madsen Report dot com
The latest release of National Security Agency slides from whistleblower Edward Snowden reveals that the NSA is heavily involved in monitoring social media and the social networking activities of Americans. The NSA will claim that this is part of their obligation to protect national security [Read more…]
August 20, 2013
Guardian's Editor ‘Alan Rusbridger on Why They Opted to Destroy Computers’
Below the fold is today’s World at One audio interview with the Guardian’s editor Alan Rushbridger.
Here’s a snippet –
Kearny: “You also describe how this all ended up with officials coming into the Guardian offices to destroy computers there?” [Read more…]
August 14, 2013
Did Republican Leadership Betray Its 2011 Freshmen Class?
“Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive.” Sir Walter Scott
by Helen Tansey
The T-Room
Did Mike Rogers, Republican Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), act alone when deciding to withhold critical information about NSA’s bulk collection of American’s phone records from the 2011 incoming class of members of congress prior to their vote to reauthorize the Patriot Act? Was the entirety of the Republican House leadership in on the decision? It sure looks that way. [Read more…]
August 13, 2013
UPDATE x1: There he goes again, he says one thing and then does the complete opposite…
Americans, and I certainly hope by now the majority of Democrats, for once simply want O’Bush to actually do what he says. Just once. [Read more…]
August 5, 2013
Greenwald: Is U.S. Exaggerating Threat to Embassies to Silence Critics of NSA Domestic Surveillance?
During today’s interview with Glenn Greenwald, Amy Goodman asks him to respond to a comment Sen. Chambliss made over the weekend on Meet the Press. Greenwald’s response shouldn’t come as a surprise to T-Room readers – [Read more…]
July 25, 2013
The Secrets Behind Intelligence Gathering [INFOGRAPHIC]
Checkout this awesome infographic titled “The Secrets Behind Intelligence Gathering.” It was developed by North American Investigations who states “If the recent NSA surveillance disclosures have piqued your interest in just how far our government is going to collect information, [Read more…]
July 1, 2013
Chris Hayes on "Unequal Responses to 'Leaked' Information"
“Establishment journalists love leaks that serve the interests of political officials, but [b]hate leaks that disclose what those officials want to keep suppressed[/b]” says Glenn Greenwald in his latest update on the NSA Illegal Spying [Read more…]
June 13, 2013
Is there an adult in Washington? Or are they all a bunch of reactionary children?
Greenwald has done a series of interviews this week after reporting on the NSA’s collecting every phone and cell call made by every American and millions abroad all in the name of Washington’s self-created War on Terror. [Read more…]
June 12, 2013
Edward Snowden: 'I'm neither traitor nor hero. I'm an American'
Many in the alternative media are questioning whether Snowden is the real deal simply b/c he either “speaks too well” for a high school dropout or he couldn’t possibly be hired by the CIA b/c of his lack of a degree and so on. One idiotic writer actually suggested Snowden broke both of his legs so he could get out of his Special Ops training! Can you imagine? [Read more…]
June 9, 2013
Introducing a man with a conscience…
Join me in prayer – Please, dear God, keep this man, Edward, and all of those helping him to shed sunlight on the evil betrayal made of every human being on this planet by those who dared to ask us to trust them, safe from any harm. [Read more…]
June 7, 2013
Glenn Greenwald: U.S. wants to destroy privacy worldwide
Katie Glueck
June 7, 2013
The journalist who broke the news that the government is monitoring vast quantities of American phone records made the rounds is claiming the U.S. is building a “massive” snooping apparatus committed to destroying privacy worldwide. [Read more…]
June 6, 2013
NSA Whistleblowers: "All U.S. Citizens" Targeted by Surveillance Program, Not Just Verizon Customers
Read the full transcript – http://www.democracynow.org/2013/6/6/nsa_whistleblowers_all_us_citizens_targeted
[Read more…]