Below is a Chapter from Max Blumenthal’s newly released book “Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel.” Many who use alternative media as their news source will appreciate the veil Blumenthal is lifting by exposing not only the racism that permeates Israeli society but how it came about and who is responsible. [Read more…]
June 27, 2012
UK ready to take on Israel over fate of children clapped in irons
Report funded by Foreign Office details claims of routine abuse for Palestinian youths
by Terri Judd

Palestinian children as young as 12 can be jailed for up to three months without legal representation
The Foreign Office revealed last night that it would be challenging the Israelis over their treatment of Palestinian children after a report by a delegation of senior British lawyers revealed unconscionable practices, such as hooding and the use of leg irons.
In the first investigation of its kind, a team of nine senior legal figures examined how Palestinians as young as 12 were treated when arrested. Their shocking report Children in Military Custody details claims that youngsters are dragged from their beds in the middle of the night, have their wrists bound behind their backs, and are blindfolded and made to kneel or lie face down in military vehicles.
Children from the West Bank are held in conditions that could amount to torture, such as solitary confinement, with little or no access to their parents. They can be forced to stay awake before being verbally as well as physically abused and coerced into signing confessions they cannot read.
The team – led by Sir Stephen Sedley, a former Court of Appeal judge – heard that “every Palestinian child is treated like a potential terrorist”. In a damning conclusion, the report points out repeated breaches of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which prohibits cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.
“We were sitting in court and saw a section of a preliminary hearing when a very young looking child, a boy, was brought in wearing a brown uniform with leg irons on. We were shocked by that. This was a situation where we had been invited into the military courts for briefings from senior judges,” explained one of the report’s authors, human rights barrister Greg Davies. “To hold children routinely and for substantial periods in solitary confinement would, if it occurred, be capable of amounting to torture,” the report said. Last night the Foreign Office, which backed the report, said it would be taking up the claims with the Israeli authorities:
“The UK government has had long-standing concerns about the treatment of Palestinian children in Israeli detention, and as a result decided to fund this independent report. While recognising that some positive recent steps have been made by the Israeli authorities, we share many of the report’s concerns, and will continue to lobby for further improvements.”
Read the rest of this story by clicking –
Read the full report “Children in Military Custody” –
June 21, 2012
Right Wing Billionaires Push Israel Agenda in Democratic Party
Real News reports “despite GOP attacks on Obama’s Israel positions, his record of appeasing both Netanyahu’s Likud government and the Israel lobby has earned him the support of most American Zionists, and a few key friends in high places.” [Read more…]
December 6, 2011
Kyle Bass Explains the New World Order
Kyle Bass, Hayman Capital Hedge Fund Manager, is best known in the finance world for predicting the 2008 housing market meltdown. Few listened then, but took his careful study of markets more seriously after the housing market imploded. Btw, he made millions. [Read more…]
November 17, 2011
War Clouds Form Over Iran…
First, a Press TV interview with Jeffery Steinberg, the editor of Executive Intelligence Review, who articulates the purpose behind the fearmongering behind the invade Iran meme.
Now, click Full Story to read an essay by Wayne Madsen titled War Clouds Form over Iran [Read more…]
August 23, 2011
Covering Up Wall Street Crimes: Matt Taibbi Exposes How SEC Shredded Thousands of Investigations
In case you missed Taibbi’s report, here it is Is the SEC Covering Up Wall Street Crimes?
A whistle-blower claims that over the past two decades, the agency has destroyed records of thousands of investigations, whitewashing the files of some of the nation’s worst financial criminals.
More interviews available at DemocracyNow!
May 22, 2011
'Netanyahu picks row with Obama to divert public attention' – It's working
Democracy Now! hosted a roundtable discussion on Friday, May 20, 2011, with author Norman Finkelstein, Palestinian human rights lawyer Noura Erakat, and Jeremy Ben-Ami, head of the lobby group J Street to discuss President Obama’s speech on the Middle East and what he really said regarding the Israel and Palestinian conflict.
As well, Press TV posted a short clip of the United Nations Rapporteur, Richard Falk, who provides a candid assessment of the President’s speech, where he emphatically states the meeting b/w Obama and Netanyahu was an “attempt by the Israeli premier to “divert attention” from the fact that most of Obama’s speech on the Middle East was ‘favorable to Israel and damaging to the Palestinians.'” Click HERE to listen to Falk’s assessment.
UPDATE: Sunday, May 22, 2011, talk about in your face – Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak has approved the construction of 294 new illegal Jewish settler units in the occupied Palestinian land.
May 10, 2011
Stacy Herbert & Max Keiser – Economic Euthanasia & Mike Maloney,
Checkout Max on Facebook –
And for those who are interested, HERE is the article Maloney wrote about the Hunt Brothers.
May 1, 2011
Offshore Banking and Tax Havens Have Become Heart of Global Economy
Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzales conducted this interview w/author Nicholas Shaxson, Treasure Islands: Uncovering the Damage of Offshore Banking and Tax Havens, prior to tax day here in Uncle Sam’s US of A. Shaxson talks in detail about this hidden financial system stashing away trillions of trillions of corporate and personal wealth purposely evading their share of taxes. Great interview and very enlightening while explaining why the people of the world are carrying the load for basic services while that “rich” guy, well, just laughs all the way to the bank.
“Treasure Islands: Uncovering the Damage of Offshore Banking and Tax Havens”
“An absolute gem that deserves to be read by anyone interested in the way contemporary globalization is undermining social justice. Give it to your sons, daughters, families, favorite legislators and anyone else needing stimulation of their thought buds. This masterpiece illuminates the dark places and shows the visible hand of governments, corporations, banks, accountants, lawyers and other pirates in creating fictitious offshore transactions and structures and picking our pockets. This financial engineering has enabled companies and the wealthy elites to dodge taxes. The result is poverty, erosion of social infrastructure and hard won welfare rights and higher taxes for ordinary people. Tax will be the decisive battleground of the twenty-first century as no democracy can function without it, or provide people with adequate educations, healthcare, security, housing, transport or pensions. Nicholas Shaxson has done a wonderful job in lifting the lid off the inbuilt corruption that has become so naturalized in the western world.”–Prem Sikka, Professor of Accounting, University of Essex, UK
April 26, 2011
Alex Jones talks to Wayne Madsen – Why is the NY Times rewriting history of Obama Families CIA roots? Wierd.
by Helen Tansey
T-Room readers are a savvy group of informed citizens regarding all things Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama. We know for a fact he is fully supported by the New World Order CIA backed elitist crowd with disaster capitalist George Soros leading the pom pom squad. Woo hoo!
T-Room readers are also aware our friend, investigative journalist, Wayne Madsen is leaving the United States due to confirmed death threats emanating from the White House cabal. This too has been verified.
Now we learn the New York Times is doing some inoculation of their own to purposely muddy the waters, and may in fact be rewriting history regarding Obama’s lifelong roots in the CIA and the rest of his families – Stanley Dunham, Madelyn Payne Dunham (Toots), Stanley Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., Lolo Soetoro (Sutaro).
Read the entire investigative series at Wayne Madsen Report dot Com and listen to this hour long interview detailing key nuggets of the series and the NYT apparent re write of history (links to key stories including “It’s the Social Security Number Stupid!” investigative report below) –
Part 2 – 4 below the fold.
April 18, 2011
Max Keiser bravely fends off the financial trolls – Ten O'clock live
This is actually good TV. Why? Because Keiser doesn’t stands by his ground that the banksters of Wall Street stole the peoples money. It’s refreshing to see someone actually standing up for the people rather than the oligarchs for a change.
April 10, 2011
The Global Economic Collapse – Sunday Update, The Corbett Report
Listen to this weeks Corbett Report Podcast by clicking HERE
Update on Iceland –Economy Mend Iceland Stuffs Bankers Second Time
“Icelanders have rejected a depositor claims agreement with Britain and Netherlands for a second time in as many years as voters signalled they did not want tax funds to cover foreign losses by a private bank.
Initial results showed 59.1 per cent of voters said ”no” to the so-called Icesave agreement, while 40.9 per cent said ”yes”, based on figures published by a regional electorate commission, with about 90 per cent of votes counted.
”This matter will now be settled in the European Free Trade Association’s court,” Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir said.
The government had hoped Icesave would restore investor relations and end the isolation that has stalled Iceland’s resurrection from its banking collapse.”
Click on headline to read the rest of this story.
October 20, 2010
Jeff Gates: 1/4 The Hate Mongers Among Us
httpv://! [Read more…]