Why would the Syrian government use chemical weapons on it’s own people a few miles from the capital’s footsteps? They wouldn’t but the corporate media sure is working hard to make you think otherwise. [Read more…]
July 10, 2013
Nobel Peace Laureate Recounts Her Syrian Visit
Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire recently returned from a trip to Lebanon and Syria and has a few things she’d like to make clear; especially to O’Bush.
Also, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov strongly defends the claim that Syrian terrorists made and used sarin gas on civilians residing in Aleppo. [Read more…]
June 14, 2013
Russian Journalists: Armed Groups Using Chemical Weapons in Syria's Aleppo
Editor’s note: The below story ran on June 3, 2013 at the Fars News Agency site. Given the decision by the O’Bush administration to arm the terrorists in Syria, the T-Room is posting this article in full rather than simply providing a link. The facts of this article have been verified to the best of our ability and they directly contradict the findings of the O’Bush administration. We will continue to follow this story and post factual information from credible sources. [Read more…]
Man Behind Syrian ‘Chemical Weapons’ Claim Is Fiction Writer Who Ran Benghazi Cover-Up
White House makes miraculous discovery to distract from domestic scandals
Paul Joseph Watson
June 14, 2013
Ben Rhodes, the White House national security advisor behind the claim that President Bashar Al-Assad used chemical weapons in Syria, is a fiction writer with zero educational background in government, diplomacy or national security who also played a key role in covering up the truth behind the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi. [Read more…]