Hip Hop artist Jasiri X recently visited Palestine witnessing firsthand the “oppression and discrimination” found at Checkpoints located across Palestine. He produced this song and video to show the world what he learned and saw (lyrics can be found below the fold).
November 6, 2013
Apartheid Propaganda: Netanyahu Likens Palestinians to Nazis | Interview with Max Blumenthal
The more one learns about the extreme policies of the Netanyahu government the more one gains the sense that Israelis, Palestinians, Arabs and Refugees alike are victims of unrelenting physical, mental and emotional torture intentionally perpetrated to break the very souls of these people –
October 5, 2013
Max Blumenthal on "Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel"
Read a key chapter “How to Kill Goyim and influence People” from “Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel” by clicking HERE. [Read more…]
June 20, 2013
REPORT: Palestinian children tortured, used as human shields (UN)
Of course, not one link to this UN report was offered by any lamestream news outlet including faux alternative news sites in any of their online articles, but the T-Room has downloaded it in full which you can read below the the fold. [Read more…]
June 10, 2013
The horror: ‘Breaking the Silence’ releases women’s frightful testimonies of occupation
“Do you know what it means to serve in the occupied Palestinian territories?” With these words, Breaking the Silence has released stunning new testimonies from former soldiers, six Israeli women.
Very upsetting. Raw brutalization and debasement. [Read more…]
June 27, 2012
UK ready to take on Israel over fate of children clapped in irons
Report funded by Foreign Office details claims of routine abuse for Palestinian youths
by Terri Judd

Palestinian children as young as 12 can be jailed for up to three months without legal representation
The Foreign Office revealed last night that it would be challenging the Israelis over their treatment of Palestinian children after a report by a delegation of senior British lawyers revealed unconscionable practices, such as hooding and the use of leg irons.
In the first investigation of its kind, a team of nine senior legal figures examined how Palestinians as young as 12 were treated when arrested. Their shocking report Children in Military Custody details claims that youngsters are dragged from their beds in the middle of the night, have their wrists bound behind their backs, and are blindfolded and made to kneel or lie face down in military vehicles.
Children from the West Bank are held in conditions that could amount to torture, such as solitary confinement, with little or no access to their parents. They can be forced to stay awake before being verbally as well as physically abused and coerced into signing confessions they cannot read.
The team – led by Sir Stephen Sedley, a former Court of Appeal judge – heard that “every Palestinian child is treated like a potential terrorist”. In a damning conclusion, the report points out repeated breaches of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which prohibits cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.
“We were sitting in court and saw a section of a preliminary hearing when a very young looking child, a boy, was brought in wearing a brown uniform with leg irons on. We were shocked by that. This was a situation where we had been invited into the military courts for briefings from senior judges,” explained one of the report’s authors, human rights barrister Greg Davies. “To hold children routinely and for substantial periods in solitary confinement would, if it occurred, be capable of amounting to torture,” the report said. Last night the Foreign Office, which backed the report, said it would be taking up the claims with the Israeli authorities:
“The UK government has had long-standing concerns about the treatment of Palestinian children in Israeli detention, and as a result decided to fund this independent report. While recognising that some positive recent steps have been made by the Israeli authorities, we share many of the report’s concerns, and will continue to lobby for further improvements.”
Read the rest of this story by clicking – http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/uk-ready-to-take-on-israel-over-fate-of-children-clapped-in-irons-7888914.html
Read the full report “Children in Military Custody” – http://www.childreninmilitarycustody.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Children_in_Military_Custody_Full_Report.pdf
May 14, 2012
The Great Book Robbery
Al Jazeera’s “Witness” program asks “Was the appropriation of Palestinian books and manuscripts in 1948 a case of cultural theft or preservation?” [Read more…]
April 30, 2012
Inside Story: Is Netanyahu misleading Israelis over Iran?
Israeli security and military commanders have criticised Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, accusing him of misleading the Israeli people on important policy issues. [Read more…]
September 19, 2011
Dr. Hannah Ashrawi Details the Importance of Upcoming Vote at the UN on Palestinian Statehood
From RT: “Key international financial institutions have confirmed Palestine is now economically strong enough to stand alone as an independent state. That’s as President Abbas prepares to bid for full UN membership at the General Assembly later this week. With full member status at the UN, Palestine may finally be able to hold Israel to account for its crimes against the Palestinian people and the occupation of their land, believes Palestinian politician Hanan Ashrawi.”
September 15, 2011
Inside Story – Saudi warns US over Palestine
Inside Story discusses with PJ Crowley, former US State Dept Spokesman, Jamal Khashoggi, Gen. Manager of Al Arab News Channel, and Salmon Shaikh, Director, Brookings Institute Doha about the upcoming vote at the UN Security Council on Palestinian statehood based on the 1967 border agreement. The US has stated it will exercise it’s Veto power if 9 out of the 15 member’s vote in favor of statehood.
Here is James Corbett’s ‘Eye Opener’ Report this week interviewing Pepe Escobar, Asia Times, and Joe Lauria, WSJ, discussing the UN vote The EyeOpener- USrael vs. Palestine: A Two-Faced Rejection of a Two-State Solution
May 22, 2011
'Netanyahu picks row with Obama to divert public attention' – It's working
Democracy Now! hosted a roundtable discussion on Friday, May 20, 2011, with author Norman Finkelstein, Palestinian human rights lawyer Noura Erakat, and Jeremy Ben-Ami, head of the lobby group J Street to discuss President Obama’s speech on the Middle East and what he really said regarding the Israel and Palestinian conflict.
As well, Press TV posted a short clip of the United Nations Rapporteur, Richard Falk, who provides a candid assessment of the President’s speech, where he emphatically states the meeting b/w Obama and Netanyahu was an “attempt by the Israeli premier to “divert attention” from the fact that most of Obama’s speech on the Middle East was ‘favorable to Israel and damaging to the Palestinians.'” Click HERE to listen to Falk’s assessment.
UPDATE: Sunday, May 22, 2011, talk about in your face – Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak has approved the construction of 294 new illegal Jewish settler units in the occupied Palestinian land.
May 17, 2011
Imagine If London Was Occupied by Israel
Also read the progress the humanitarian mission to Gaza is making via the Rachel Corrie
BREAKING NEWS: Israel’s Attack on Humanitarian Ship to Gaza.
Updated Report
by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky
The Spirit of Rachel Corrie (officially known as FINCH) carrying a humanitarian cargo to Gaza was attacked by an Israeli naval patrol within the so-called Palestinian Security Zone on May 15, at 10.54pm EDT. In the course of the last few hours, Global Research has communicated several times with the Rachel Corrie vessel en route to Gaza. What is provided below is a detailed update. An earlier article was posted at 12.30am EDT
The vessel left the Greek Port of Piraeus, on Wednesday, May 11. The humanitarian initiative is sponsored by the Perdana Global Peace Foundation (PGPF), chaired by the former Prime Minister of Malaysia Mahathir Mohamad.
Participating in this mission are anti-war activists and journalists, consisting of 7 Malaysians, 2 Irish, 2 Indians and 1 Canadian. The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) is a partner in this endeavor. Global Research`s Julie Lévesque is on board the Rachel Corrie:
Read the rest of the update/story HERE.
April 26, 2011
Alex Jones talks to Wayne Madsen – Why is the NY Times rewriting history of Obama Families CIA roots? Wierd.
by Helen Tansey
T-Room readers are a savvy group of informed citizens regarding all things Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama. We know for a fact he is fully supported by the New World Order CIA backed elitist crowd with disaster capitalist George Soros leading the pom pom squad. Woo hoo!
T-Room readers are also aware our friend, investigative journalist, Wayne Madsen is leaving the United States due to confirmed death threats emanating from the White House cabal. This too has been verified.
Now we learn the New York Times is doing some inoculation of their own to purposely muddy the waters, and may in fact be rewriting history regarding Obama’s lifelong roots in the CIA and the rest of his families – Stanley Dunham, Madelyn Payne Dunham (Toots), Stanley Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., Lolo Soetoro (Sutaro).
Read the entire investigative series at Wayne Madsen Report dot Com and listen to this hour long interview detailing key nuggets of the series and the NYT apparent re write of history (links to key stories including “It’s the Social Security Number Stupid!” investigative report below) –
Part 2 – 4 below the fold.
April 19, 2011
Investigative Journalist, Wayne Madsen, Confirms His Life Has Been Threatened
By Helen Tansey
Many who stop by The T-Room to catch up on the latest alternative news know we have posted numerous investigative reports written by journalist, Wayne Madsen. We do this because Wayne’s work is informed by a career of learning how the US intelligence apparatus operates, because he worked in it, and because he is the only investigative journalist actually doing the job of informing the public who Barack Hussein Obama and his family truly are. His reward, having his life threatened.
Ask yourself if you ever recall a time when an American journalist’s life was threatened by his/our federal government for simply informing the people who their President is? Seriously, do you recall such circumstances?
During the 2008 campaign everyone seemed to be asking the same question – who is this guy named Obama? Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Greenies, Independents…EVERYONE!
We hoped to learn who this man was, what drove him, what his values and morals were, his education, his past leadership positions and so much more, but to our astonishment, the vehicle who used to vet Presidential nominees, were having tingly sensations down their legs, hyper ventilating when Obama was nearby, girlhood like crushes and handing off other ridiculous, juvenile and pathetic dribble they called journalism. [Read more…]
March 5, 2011
Al Jazeera: Pink Floyd's Roger Waters adds his voice to the calls for Israel to remove its separation wall
Click full story link below vid to watch in full screen.
February 28, 2011
Israeli occupation: Calling A Spade A Spade
An Interview with Gilad Atzmon
Israeli occupation: Calling A Spade A Spade
by Silvia Cattori*
Gilad Atzmon is an outstandingly charming man. He is often described by music critics as one of the finest contemporary jazz saxophonists. But Atzmon is more than just a musician: for those who follow events in the Middle East, he is considered to be one of the most credible voices amongst Israeli opponents. In the last decade he has relentlessly exposed and denounced barbarian Israeli policies. Just before his departure on a European Spring Tour, “The Tide Has Changed “, with his band the Orient House Ensemble, he spoke to Silvia Cattori.
Silvia Cattori: As a jazz musician, what brought you to use your pen as a weapon against the country where you were born and against your people?
Gilad Atzmon: For many years my music and writings were not integrated at all. I became a musician when I was seventeen and I took it up as a profession when I was twenty four. Though I was not involved with, or interested in politics when I lived in Israel, I was very much against Israel’s imperial wars. I identified somehow with the left, but later, when I started to grasp what the Israeli left was all about, I could not find myself in agreement with anything it claimed to believe in, and that is when I realised the crime that was taking place in Palestine.
For me the Oslo Accord was the end of it because I realised that Israel was not aiming towards reconciliation, or even integration in the region, and that it completely dismissed the Palestinian cause. I understood then that I had to leave Israel. It wasn’t even a political decision — I just didn’t want to be part of the Israeli crime anymore. In 1994 I moved to the UK and I studied philosophy.
In 2001, at the time of the second Intifada, I began to understand that Israel was the ultimate aggressor and was also the biggest threat to world peace. I realised the extent of the involvement and the role of world Jewry as I analysed the relationships between Israel and the Jewish State, between Israel and the Jewish people around the world, and between Jews and Jewishness.
I then realised that the Jewish “left” was not very different at all from the Israeli “left”. I should make it clear here that I differentiate between “Left ideology”— a concept that is inspired by universal ethics and a genuine vision of equality – and the “Jewish Left”, a tendency or grouping that is there solely to maintain tribal interests that have very little, if anything, to do with universalism, tolerance and equality.
The Tide Has Changed by Gilad Atzmon
(Beautiful jazz. Click on either of the two hyperlinks above to listen to more. You won’t be disappointed.)
Silvia Cattori: Would you argue that there is a discrepancy between Jews and left?
Gilad Atzmon: Not at all. I should explain here that I never talk about Jews as a people. I differentiate between Jews (the people) Judaism (the religion) and Jewishness (the culture). In my work, I am only elaborating on the third category, i.e. Jewishness. Also it should be understood that I differentiate between the tribal “Jewish Left”, and Leftists who simply happen to be Jewish. Indeed, I would be the first to admit that there are many great leftists and humanists who happen to be of Jewish origin. However those Jews who operate under a “Jewish banner” seem to me to be Zionist fig leafs: they are solely there to convey an image of “Jewish pluralism”. In fact, when I grasped the full role of the “Jewish left” I realised that I may end up fighting alone against the strongest power around.
Silvia Cattori: Do you fight alone?
Gilad Atzmon: More or less alone. I like to fight alone; I take responsibility. Along the years, there have been a lot attempts to destroy the few of us who have stood up against Jewish power. I found myself in trouble for supporting people like Israel Shamir and Paul Eisen, for standing up for their right to think freely and to express their opinions and ideas openly. I remember one of those infamous “Jewish Left” activists telling me, “listen Gilad, once you shun Shamir we will let you be”. My answer was simple: I was not about to bargain with intellectual integrity. For me, freedom of speech is an iron rule — I would never silence anyone.
Within the liberation movement and the solidarity movement, I do not actually believe that we have any intellectuals. And why we do not have intellectuals? Because in the name of “Political Correctness”, we have managed to destroy every single English speaking creative mind within our movement.
What we see here may be an endemic problem with “the Left”. To speak in broad (or rather Germanic philosophical) terms, “the Left” is “forgetful of Being” — Instead of understanding what Being in the world is all about, it tries to suggest to us what being in the world ought to be. “The Left” has adopted a preaching mode that has led to a severe form of alienation, and this is probably why “the Left” has failed to come to terms with, fully understand, and grasp the significance and power of Islam. And this is why “the Left” is totally irrelevant to the current revolution in the Middle East. As we know by now, “the Left’s’ tolerance”, somehow evaporates when it comes to Islam and Muslims. I find it very problematic.
Read the rest of Gilad’s interview by clicking HERE
February 13, 2011
Press TV: Cine Politics – "Occupation 101" by Abdallah Omeish and Sufyan Omeish
December 8, 2010
Fox News: US Can't Bribe Israel to Stop Building on Palestinian land
No wonder Secretary Clinton announced last week she will not seek out any public role in the future. I get it now. Do you?
July 23, 2010
Jewish Voice for Peace: TIAA CREF Divest from Israeli Occupation
The T-Room endorses JVP’s efforts to end the Zionist occupation of Palestine. [Read more…]
May 21, 2010
Pulitzer Prize Winning Author, Alice Walker sends her wishes to the 'Freedom Flotilla'
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1CAyALSpoQ&feature=player_embedded [Read more…]