June 20, 2011
by Paul Craig Roberts
While we were not watching, conspiracy theory has undergone Orwellian redefinition.
A “conspiracy theory” no longer means an event explained by a conspiracy. Instead, it now means any explanation, or even a fact, that is out of step with the government’s explanation and that of its media pimps. (emphasis added)
For example, online news broadcasts of RT have been equated with conspiracy theories by the New York Times simply because RT reports news and opinions that the New York Times does not report and the US government does not endorse.
In other words, as truth becomes uncomfortable for government and its Ministry of Propaganda, truth is redefined as conspiracy theory, by which is meant an absurd and laughable explanation that we should ignore. [Read more…]
(Editor’s Note: Now that the “Osama Bin Laden” spin out of DC has lost its steam it’s the right time to report on the real facts of the operation including how all those kids with crisp American flags found their way to Lafayette Park at 10 pmish on the evening of Obama’s assassination of OBL announcement. In WMR’s report below you will learn of the many inconsistencies in the WH spin and the possible target for the next staged false flag operation.)
by Wayne Madsen
President Obama anxiously kept the media and the world waiting on the evening of May 1 for what later turned out to be his announcement that he ordered a US Navy SEAL team to attack the compound of Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Obama claimed that the SEALs had shot and killed Bin Laden in a firefight.
The reason for the delay of Obama’s announcement, according to WMR’s sources, had nothing to do with national security but to alert Obama’s student supporters at George Washington and Howard universities in Washington, DC to marshal a group of Obama fans to gather at Lafayette Park in front of the White House in a “flash mob” to stage a pep rally for Obama after his announcement. The “Wag the Dog”-inspired demonstration was planned by Obama’s political adviser David Plouffe.
MS-NBC’s dutiful bleating Obama sycophant, Rachel Maddow, showed a flash mob gathered in Lafayette Park shouting “USA! USA!” while she proceeded to lambast Pakistan for providing sanctuary to Bin Laden and other top Al Qaeda leaders. Of course, Maddow, was merely parroting the new neocon line that Pakistan must be the next nation to be rendered like a kosher chicken in the Maddow kitchen.
Plouffe, of course, arranged for brand new American flags to be distributed to the college students for the widely-televised “impromptu” demonstration. The new, just unfolded American flags appeared faster than the new Libyan royalist flags showed up in Benghazi, Libya after the uprising against Muammar Qaddafi. [Read more…]
After watching the “Starsuckers” documentary, there is only one word that sums it up – “CHUTZPAH”. We’re all being played for fools by the magicians behind the screen and it’s shameful what these clowns are getting away with. Understand, you/we are the one allowing it and you/we are the one that feeds this insatiable monsters unquenching appetite. Take an hour and a half of your time and watch this documentary about how you are being suckered into a world full of illusion. What, you don’t have the time? Make the time. You’ll be doing yourself, your family, hell the entire world a big favor by educating yourself as to how the media plays you and the rest of us schmucks like a fiddle.
From Democracy Now! “The whistleblowing website WikiLeaks has begun releasing thousands of secret documents from the U.S. military prison at Guantánamo Bay that reveal the Bush and Obama administrations knowingly imprisoned more than 150 innocent men for years without charge. In dozens of cases, senior U.S. commanders were said to have concluded that there was no reason for the men to have been transferred to Guantánamo. Among the innocent prisoners were an 89-year-old Afghan villager and a 14-year-old boy who had been kidnapped. Some men were imprisoned at Guantánamo simply because they wore a popular model of Casio watches, which had been used as timers by al-Qaeda. The documents also reveal that the journalist Sami al-Hajj was held at Guantánamo for six years partly in order to be interrogated about his employer, the Al Jazeera network. Al-Hajj’s file said he was sent to Guantánamo in order to “provide information on … the Al-Jazeera news network’s training programme, telecommunications equipment, and newsgathering operations in Chechnya, Kosovo and Afghanistan.” For more, we speak with journalist Andy Worthington, author of The Guantánamo Files: The Stories of the 774 Detainees in America’s Illegal Prison. [includes rush transcript]”
See Update x1 at end of post – Alfred Webre interviews Robert Stanley Washington Times Investigative Radio
April 28, 2011
The President
The White House
Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear Mr. President:
Dude, you’ve been punked! And by your very own “Official Document Maker” Czar at that!
Sir, you just played right into the hands of the “birthers”? Yes you did, and sadly, you don’t even know it!
I mean look at what you said to Oprah yesterday “live” on air – you were “driven to release [your] long-form birth certificate so that the nation could move on and focus on a “serious conversation” about solving its problems.”Yes, America has “serious” problems and they are all of YOUR making along with your donors, your masters and your congressional pals. We the people have nothing to do with the ugly mess we’re in! No Sir, you do along with all of those elitist New Socialist World Order snots you “think” are your friends thank you very much!
But you couldn’t stop there, no siree, you just had to show your petulance toward Americans by digging an even deeper hole by belittling nearly 70% of the voting electorate when referring to us as “sideshows and carnival barkers”. And you wonder why we the people want you the hell out of our White House! Well, wonder no more, Sir. [Read more…]
by Helen Tansey
T-Room readers are a savvy group of informed citizens regarding all things Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama. We know for a fact he is fully supported by the New World Order CIA backed elitist crowd with disaster capitalist George Soros leading the pom pom squad. Woo hoo!
T-Room readers are also aware our friend, investigative journalist, Wayne Madsen is leaving the United States due to confirmed death threats emanating from the White House cabal. This too has been verified.
Now we learn the New York Times is doing some inoculation of their own to purposely muddy the waters, and may in fact be rewriting history regarding Obama’s lifelong roots in the CIA and the rest of his families – Stanley Dunham, Madelyn Payne Dunham (Toots), Stanley Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., Lolo Soetoro (Sutaro).
Read the entire investigative series at Wayne Madsen Report dot Com and listen to this hour long interview detailing key nuggets of the series and the NYT apparent re write of history (links to key stories including “It’s the Social Security Number Stupid!” investigative report below) –
Part 2 – 4 below the fold.
Transcript & Sunday’s Podcast w/Jesse Trentadue
“China and four other leading high-growth economies have taken landmark steps toward lowering the importance of the dollar in international financial transactions — part of a seminal shift in the move towards a multicurrency reserve and trading system.”
“Mind you, you wouldn’t get an idea of anything dramatic from reading the official Chinese press on the conclusion of a summit meeting of the so-called BRICS economies (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) in the southern resort twin of Sanya in southern China last week.”
Read the rest of the story HERE
Listen to this weeks Corbett Report Podcast by clicking HERE
Update on Iceland –Economy Mend Iceland Stuffs Bankers Second Time
“Icelanders have rejected a depositor claims agreement with Britain and Netherlands for a second time in as many years as voters signalled they did not want tax funds to cover foreign losses by a private bank.
Initial results showed 59.1 per cent of voters said ”no” to the so-called Icesave agreement, while 40.9 per cent said ”yes”, based on figures published by a regional electorate commission, with about 90 per cent of votes counted.
”This matter will now be settled in the European Free Trade Association’s court,” Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir said.
The government had hoped Icesave would restore investor relations and end the isolation that has stalled Iceland’s resurrection from its banking collapse.”
Click on headline to read the rest of this story.
Editor’s note: Wayne Madsen is an investigative journalist who has covered political happenings inside the Beltway for decades. His work is superior and his sources are global. He is owned by no one and is therefore free from corporate constraints to report the facts as told to him. Wayne and his investigative work is a rarity these days b/c corporate media cut investigative journalism budgets long ago. You know when you are reading a Wayne Madsen Report that it is the unvarnished truth, and obviously, reporting said truths, especially related to the empire’s CIC who has gone to great lengths to hide all there is to know about him, is threatening. Well, here’s a big clue – stop hiding who and what you truly are, Mr. President! Give American’s some credit – they may actually like the hidden Obama more than the pretend one seen in plain view everyday! And tell your lackey’s to back off because WE THE PEOPLE will be watching…closely.
By Wayne Madsen
publication date: Apr 3, 2011
April 4, 2011 — White House threats must be taken seriously
In yet another indication that America’s democratic experiment is a thing of the past, this editor has received word from a source in a foreign intelligence agency allied with the United States that there has been talk by some within the Obama White House that this editor is under threat. What particular stories have inflamed the White House are not known but the warning conveyed by the source, who has connections within the White House, was stark in its directness: “They want to kill you.”
It was perfectly clear that the phrase was not being used as a figure of speech.
That this development is being reported on April 4 is even more ironic. On April 4, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King, Kr. was assassinated in Memphis during his mission to support striking sanitation workers in the city. Now, we have our first African-American president and a threat to kill a journalist who is most definitely not one of their favorites has been seriously discussed. [Read more…]
Let’s see. Rebel forces lead by an Al Queda aka CIA General have taken over the oil exports in Benghazi AND opened a Rothschild Bank. The Banking system prior to this assault was state run and not a part of the New World Order’s banking empire. Again, why are we really over there?
Here is an astute observation from Red State –
I don’t watch the Sunday talk shows because rarely is anything of substance discussed or revealed on them. I suppose fifteen years ago they set the tone for the upcoming week’s media coverage, but today they are a superfluous exercise that has little value beyond providing a subsidy to the hair spray industry.Sometimes, though, an interview comes along that is so disastrous that it has to be commented upon. Today’s joint appearance on Meet the Press by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates was just one of those occurrences.
From today’s edition of Meet The Press:
MR. GREGORY: Secretary Gates, Is Libya in our vital interest as a country?
MR. GATES: No, I don’t think it’s a vital interest for the U.S., but we clearly have interests there, and it’s a part of the region which is a vital interest for the U.S.
then Hillary jumps in blubbering
SEC’Y CLINTON: Well, but, but, but then it wouldn’t be fair as to what Bob just said. I mean, did Libya attack us? No. They did not attack us. Do they have a very critical role in this region and do they neighbor two countries — you just mentioned one, Egypt, the other Tunisia — that are going through these extraordinary transformations and cannot afford to be destabilized by conflict on their borders? Yes.
There you have our policy in a nutshell.
This is sort of extraordinary. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a SecDef admit we’ve started killing people, even benighted foreigners, without some kind of vital US interest at stake. I’d actually go farther than Gates. I don’t think we even have a tangential interest in Libya. Contra Clinton, what we’ve done in the past week has done more damage to regional stability than anything Qaddafi has undertaken since 1990.
But wait, there’s more.
At first blush I decided to blog what everyone else had blogged, to wit, the Gates admission. But this statement by Clinton followed.
You know, we asked our allies, our NATO allies, to go into Afghanistan with us 10 years ago. They have been there, and a lot of them have been there despite the fact they were not attacked. The attack came on us as we all tragically remember. [Emphasis mine] They stuck with us. When it comes to Libya , we started hearing from the UK , France , Italy , other of our NATO allies. This was in their vital national interest . The UK and France were the ones who went to the Security Council and said, “We have to act because otherwise we’re seeing a really violent upheaval with a man who has a history of unpredictable violent acts right on our doorstep.” So, you know, let, let’s be fair here. They didn’t attack us, but what they were doing and Gadhafi ’s history and the potential for the disruption and instability was very much in our interests, as Bob said , and seen by our European friends and our Arab partners as very vital to their interests.
This is little short of stunning. Our alleged Secretary of State comparing the situation in Libya to the 9/11 attacks. Our allies went with us to Afghanistan because of Article 5 of the NATO Charter was invoked by the NATO membership in the aftermath of 9/11. No such attack was carried out upon a NATO member by Libya. Beyond that, our NATO allies have hardly carried the brunt of the fight in Afghanistan. It is not for nothing that ISAF is said to stand for “I Saw Americans Fight.” If we were going along with Britain, France, and Italy to help them protect their national interests we should have limited our role to providing logistics — such as aerial refueling, intelligence and command-and-control support, not on the leading edge of the attack.
But going back to the main point, does our Secretary of State really think what happened in Libya is even vaguely comparable to what happened on 9/11? Or is she simply spinning a typically Clintonian lie to try to divert attention from the fecklessness of this administration? Is she a knave or a poltroon?
(posted w/permission)
Ah, but there is a “back story” to Libya and Gadhaffi and as usual it’s called OIL, GOLD, GREED!
By Susan Lindauer, former U.S. Asset who covered Libya at the United Nations from 1995 to 2003
Who are we kidding? The United States, Britain and NATO don’t care about bombing civilians to contain rebellion. Their militaries bomb civilians every day without mercy. They have destroyed most of the community infrastructure of Iraq and Afghanistan before turning their sights on Libya. So what’s really going on here?
According to the CIA, the following never happened…
Last October, US oil giants— Chevron and Occidental Petroleum— made a surprising decision to pull out of Libya, while China, Germany and Italy stayed on, signing major contracts with Gadhaffi’s government. As the U.S. Asset who started negotiations for the Lockerbie Trial with Libyan diplomats, I had close ties to Libya’s U.N. Mission from 1995 to 2003. Given my long involvement in the Lockerbie saga, I have continued to enjoy special access to high level intelligence gossip on Libya.
Last summer that gossip got juicy!
About July, I started hearing that Gadhaffi was exerting heavy pressure on U.S. and British oil companies to cough up special fees and kick backs to cover the costs of Libya’s reimbursement to the families of Pan Am 103. Payment of damages for the Lockerbie bombing had been one of the chief conditions for ending U.N. sanctions on Libya that ran from 1992 until 2003. And of course the United Nations forced Gadhaffi to hand over two Libyan men for a special trial at The Hague, though everybody credible was fully conscious of Libya’s innocence in the Lockerbie affair. (Only ignorant politicians trying to score publicity points say otherwise.)
Knowing Gadhaffi as well as I do, I was convinced that he’d done it. He’d bided his time until he could extort compensation from U.S. oil companies. He’s a crafty bastard, extremely intelligent and canny. That’s exactly how he operates. And now he was taking his revenge. As expected, the U.S. was hopping mad about it. Gadhaffi wasn’t playing the game the way the Oil Bloodsuckers wanted. The Vampire of our age—the Oil Industry—roams the earth, sucking the life out of every nation to feed its thirst for profits. Only when they got to Libya, Gadhaffi took on the role of a modern-day Robin Hood, who insisted on replenishing his people for the costs they’d suffered under U.N. sanctions.
Backing up a year earlier, in August 2009 the lone Libyan convicted of the Lockerbie bombing that killed 270 people, Abdelbasset Megrahi, won a compassionate release from Scottish prison. Ostensibly, the British government and Scottish Courts granted Megrahi’s request to die at home with dignity from advance stage cancer—in exchange for dropping a legal appeal packed with embarrassments for the European Courts. The decision to free Megrahi followed shocking revelations of corruption at the special Court of The Hague that handled the Lockerbie Trial. Prosecution witnesses confessed to receiving payments of $4 million each from the United States, in exchange for testimony against Megrahi, a mind-blowing allegation of judicial corruption.
The Lockerbie conviction was full of holes to begin with. Anybody who knows anything about terrorism in the 1980s knows the CIA got mixed up in heroin trafficking out of the Bekaa Valley during the hostage crisis in Lebanon. The Lockerbie conspiracy had been a false flag operation to kill off a joint CIA and Defense Intelligence investigation into kick backs from Islamic Jihad, in exchange for protecting the heroin transit network.
According to my own CIA handler, Dr. Richard Fuisz, who’d been stationed in Lebanon and Syria at the time, the CIA had established a protected drug route from Lebanon to Europe and on to the United States. His statements support other sources that “Operation Corea” allowed Syrian drug dealers led by Monzer al-Kassar (also linked to Oliver North in the Iran-Contra scandal) to ship heroin to the U.S. ON Pan Am flights, in exchange for intelligence on the hostages’ whereabouts in Lebanon. The CIA allegedly made sure that suitcases carrying heroin were not searched at customs. Nicknamed the “Godfather of Terror,” Al Kassar is now serving a prison sentence for conspiring with Colombian drug cartels to assassinate U.S. nationals.
Building up to Lockerbie, the Defense Intelligence team in Beirut, led by Maj. Charles Dennis McKee and Matthew Gannon, suspected that CIA infiltration of the heroin network might be prolonging the hostage crisis. If so, the consequence was severe. AP Reporter Terry Anderson got chained in a basement for 7 years, while 96 other high profile western hostages suffered beatings, mock executions and overall trauma. McKee’s team raised the alarms in Washington that a CIA double agent profiting from the narco-dollars might be warning the hostage takers whenever their dragnet closed in. Washington sent a fact-finding team to Lebanon to gather evidence.
On the day it was blown out of the sky, Pan Am 103 was carrying that team of CIA and FBI investigators, the CIA’s Deputy Chief assigned to Beirut, and three Defense Intelligence officers, including McKee and Gannon, on their way to Washington to deliver a report on the CIA’s role in heroin trafficking, and the impact on terrorist financing and the hostage crisis. In short, everyone with direct knowledge of CIA kickbacks from heroin trafficking died on Pan Am 103. A suitcase packed with $500,000 worth of heroin was found in the wreckage. It belonged to investigators, as proof of the corruption.
The punch line was that the U.S. State Department issued an internal travel advisory, warning that government officials should get off that specific flight on that specific day, because Pan Am 103 was expected to get bombed. That’s right, folks! The U.S. had prior knowledge of the attack.
Unforgivably, nobody told Charles McKee or Matthew Gannon. But other military officials and diplomats got pulled off the flight—making room for a group of students from Syracuse University traveling stand by for the Christmas holidays.
It was a monstrous act! But condemning Megrahi to cover up the CIA’s role in heroin trafficking has struck many Lockerbie afficiandos as grossly unjust. Add the corruption of purchased testimony– $4 million a pop— and Megrahi’s life sentence struck a nerve of obscenity.
It struck Gadhaffi as grievously offensive, as well—The United Nations had forced Libya to fork over $2.7 billion in damages to the Lockerbie families, a rate of $10 million for every death. Once it became clear the U.S. paid two key witnesses $4 million each to commit perjury, spook gossip throughout the summer was rife that Gadhaffi had taken bold action to demand compensation from U.S. (and probably British) oil corporations operating in Libya. More than likely, Libya’s demands for kick backs and compensation extended to other European oil conglomerates as well—particularly France and Italy—who are now spearheading attacks on Libya.
I knew last summer there would be trouble. Payback would be a b—tch on both sides. You don’t lock an innocent man in prison for 10 years on bogus charges of terrorism, and expect forgiveness. The United States and Britain had behaved with remarkable selfishness. You’ve got to admit that Gadhaffi’s attempt to balance the scales of justice demonstrated a flair of righteous nationalism.
Alas, Gadhaffi was playing with fire, no matter how justified his complaint. You don’t strike a tyrant without expecting a tyrant to strike back.
And that’s exactly what’s happening today.
Don’t kid yourself. This is an oil war, and it smacks of imperialist double standards. Two articles by Prof. Chossudovsky at the Global Research Centre are must reading: “Operation Libya and the Battle for Oil: Redrawing the Map of Africa“ and “Insurrection and Military Intervention: The US-NATO Attempted Coup d’Etat in Libya?”
There is simply no justification for U.S. or NATO action against Libya. The U.N. charter acknowledges the rights of sovereign nations to put down rebellions against their own governments. Moreover, many observers have commented that plans for military intervention appear to have been much more advanced than U.S. and European leaders want to admit.
For myself, I know in my gut that war planning started months before the democratization movement kicked off throughout the Arab world—a lucky cover for U.S. and European oil policy. Perhaps too lucky.
As Chossudovsky writes, “Hundreds of US, British and French military advisers arrived in Cyrenaica, Libya’s eastern breakaway province” on February 23 and 24— seven (7) days after the start of Gadhaffi’s domestic rebellion. “The advisers, including intelligence officers, were dropped from warships and missile boats at the coastal towns of Benghazi and Tobruk.” (DEBKAfile, US military advisers in Cyrenaica, Feb. 25, 2011) Special forces on the ground in Eastern Libya provided covert support to the rebels.” Eight British Special Forces commandos were arrested in the Benghazi region, while acting as military advisers to opposition forces, according to the Times of London.
We’re supposed to believe the United States, Britain and Europe planned, coordinated and executed a full military intervention in 7 short days— from the start of the Libyan rebellion in mid-February until military advisers appeared on the ground in Libya on February 23-24!
That’s strategically impossible.
Nothing can persuade me that Gadhaffi’s fate wasn’t decided months ago, when Chevron and Occidental Petroleum took their whining to Capitol Hill, complaining that Gadhaffi’s nationalism interfered with their oil profiteering. From that moment, military intervention was on the drawing board as surely as the Patriot Act got stuck in a drawer waiting for 9/11.
The message is simple: Challenge the oil corporations and your government and your people will pay the ultimate price: Give us your oil as cheaply as possible. Or die.
Don’t kid yourself. Nobody gives a damn about suffering in Libya or Iraq. You don’t bomb a village to save it. The U.S., Britain and NATO are the bullies of the neighborhood. The enforcers for Big Oil.
Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan have something in common. They have vast and extraordinary oil and mineral riches. As such, they are all victims of what I call the Vampire Wars. The Arab Princes get paid off, while the bloodsuckers pull the life blood out of the people. They’re scarcely able to survive in their own wealthy societies. The people and the domestic economy are kept alive to uphold the social order, but they are depleted of the nourishment of their own national wealth.
The democratization movements are sending a warning that I don’t think Big Oil, or their protectors in the U.S. and British governments understand or have figured out how to control. The Arab people are finished with this cycle of victimization. They’ve got their stakes out, and they’re starting to figure out how to strike into the heart of these Vampires, sucking the life blood out of their nations.
And woe to the wicked when they do!
Former U.S. Intelligence Asset, Susan Lindauer covered Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Syria/Hezbollah from 1993 to 2003. She is the author of “Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq.”
Any publication posted at The T-Room and/or opinions expressed therein do not necessarily reflect the views of The T-Room. Such publications and all information within the publications (e.g. titles, dates, statistics, conclusions, sources, opinions, etc) are solely the responsibility of the author of the article, not The T-Room.
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By Matthias Gebauer and Hasnain Kazim
Major Public Backlash
At NATO headquarters, there are fears that the coming days could see angry protests in Afghanistan or even potential attacks against NATO units. “The images have an enormous potential here in Afghanistan,” one NATO general told SPIEGEL ONLINE. “Experience shows that it might take a couple of days, but then people’s anger will be vented.”
NATO, under the leadership of the US Army, has been preparing for possible publication of the photos for close to 100 days. In dozens of high-level talks with their Afghan partners, military leaders have sought to pursue the same strategy used by the US diplomatic corps in the case of the sensitive diplomatic cables released late last year by WikiLeaks. They warned those most directly affected and made preparations for the photos’ appearance in the public sphere. This “strategic communication” was aimed at preventing a major public backlash.
The high ranks of those involved in the talks show just how seriously Washington has taken the problem. US Vice President Joe Biden recently spoke about the case with Afghan President Hamid Karzai. The head of all NATO troops in Afghanistan, General David Petraeus, likewise met with Karzai.
By apologizing and by promising that those responsible will be prosecuted, the US is hoping to prevent Karzai from making any angry public statements on the case.
Whether the effort will ultimately be successful remains to be seen. On Tuesday, Karzai is scheduled to address his country to talk about the transfer of responsibility for his country’s security from NATO to Afghanistan. With him will be members of the NATO leadership and the US ambassador to Afghanistan. Karzai’s address contains no mention of the so-called “kill team,” but the Afghan president is notorious for being unpredictable.
Read the original story HERE
By Wayne Madsen
The time period that President Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro/Sutoro, worked for various Indonesian and Pakistani operations associated with the US Agency for International Development (USAID) was during a time frame when USAID was composed almost entirely of CIA official and non-official cover agents who worked throughout Indonesia and Southeast and South Asia.
Ann Dunham Soetoro and Barack Obama as “flexible cover” agents
Before he was sacked as CIA director in 1976 and replaced by George H. W. Bush, William E. Colby commissioned a study of the agency’s priorities in a five-year plan. The Secret NOFORN plan, titled “Director of Central Intelligence: Perspectives for Intelligence 1976-1981,” described the importance of agencies like USAID in the CIA’s operations. The report states: “Contributions of such agencies as State, Defense, Treasury, USAID, USIA, Agriculture, and Commerce can be enhanced substantially by more effective approaches to information gathering and in the reporting aspects of their activities. We need particularly, gains in the interrelationships between overt and clandestine and technical and human sources. We must establish more direct lines between our human collectors and our technical collectors.” [Read more…]
There is ONE reason millions upon millions of American’s continue to turn off ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, MSNBC and turning on Russia Today, Press TV, Al Jazeera, the Corbett Report and Prison Planet to name a few alternative radio/video sites.
That reason is simple – American’s and people across the globe wish to know the truth. It’s that simple.
Those of us who have turned to the internet to learn what the hell is going on have learned time and again that government’s lie…a lot! This is especially true here in America. This lying has apparently been going on for at least a half a century if not longer; the talking heads of yore just lied better than the current ones do. Nonetheless, lies, lies, lies.
The game is up – the empire building American leadership has been “covertly” doing in our name while maiming our military personnel and sending us in to debt slaves to pay for it all is being exposed to the light of day, and we’re not taking to kindly to it.
Secretary Hillary Clinton seems to think her agency needs more cashola to counter this truth movement b/c as she put’s it “we’re losing the propaganda information war with foreign media”. Big clue Secretary Clinton, America has LOST the information war. Gone! Over! Toast! It has been replaced with news outlets that tell us American’s what our country is really doing – building her empire when during another time in our history, we went to War to stop a man from doing such a thing – of which few American’s want or desire. Oh, and those few who do are the one’s feeding at the trough of the oligarch’s who want to dominate the world aka the New World Order.
PS – Glenn, you are one of the biggest lamestream media propagandists on the payroll. Give it up.
UPDATE X1 – From Raw Story –
by Brad Jacobson
“It was so easy for me to get my way”
A former health insurance insider turned whistleblower says that he was not only surprised at how “easy” it was to manipulate members of the news media over the years, but also reveals that he routinely “wined and dined” reporters from major news outlets – including the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal – in return for favorable coverage.
In his new book Deadly Spin, Wendell Potter describes how his chief function as a senior public relations officer at two of the largest for-profit health insurance companies in the United States – Humana and Cigna – was to “perpetuate myths that had no other purpose but to sustain those companies’ extraordinary high profitability.”
But in an extended interview with Raw Story last week, Potter went further, revealing that he lunched with reporters at major media outlets for years – including journalists at the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal – as well as those from local and regional media, in most cases picking up the tab, which he says directly resulted in positive coverage of the companies he represented.
Read the rest of this investigation HERE
President Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, worked in Indonesia for a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) embassy cover operation that helped identify some 5000 key members of the Indonesian Communist Party — Partai Komunis Indonesia(PKI) that were targeted for assassination by Indonesian armed forces units, of which her husband and President Obama’s step-father, Lolo Soetoro, was a participant. The 5000 targets’ names appeared in what was called by the CIA “the shooting list.”
Furthermore, the contacts of the key 5000 PKI members was also used by the CIA, in part using USAID official cover agents like Ann Dunham, to identify Indonesian sympathizers with the government of President Sukarno, ousted in 1965 in a CIA-orchestrated coup, in which Lolo Soetoro took part, and the PKI, with the net total of Indonesians killed ranging from 250,000 to 1 million.
The CIA’s role in the Indonesian genocide is found in a 1990 article written by Ralph McGehee, a CIA veteran of the agency’s International Communism Branch of the Counterintelligence Staff. The article appeared in the Fall 1990 issue of the Covert Action Information Bulletin.
Lolo Soetoro was a colonel in the Indonesian armed forces and worked for the CIA-installed dictator, General Suharto, from 1965, after returning to Indonesia from Hawaii, where he married Ann Dunham, to 1970, when he joined Exxon. President Obama’s mother arrived in Indonesia to join Soetoro with young Barack Obama, Jr. in October 1967,while the CIA’s anti-PKI and anti-Sukarno “mopping up” operations were still taking place. [Read more…]
(Note: replaced original vid w/Rolling Stone Editor and replaced w/Michael Hastings, the author of the article)
Rolling Stone -Another Runaway General: Army Deploys Psy-Ops on US Senators
by Michael Hastings
The U.S. Army illegally ordered a team of soldiers specializing in “psychological operations” to manipulate visiting American senators into providing more troops and funding for the war, Rolling Stone has learned – and when an officer tried to stop the operation, he was railroaded by military investigators.
The Runaway General: The Rolling Stone Profile of Stanley McChrystal That Changed History
The orders came from the command of Lt. Gen. William Caldwell, a three-star general in charge of training Afghan troops – the linchpin of U.S. strategy in the war. Over a four-month period last year, a military cell devoted to what is known as “information operations” at Camp Eggers in Kabul was repeatedly pressured to target visiting senators and other VIPs who met with Caldwell. When the unit resisted the order, arguing that it violated U.S. laws prohibiting the use of propaganda against American citizens, it was subjected to a campaign of retaliation.
“My job in psy-ops is to play with people’s heads, to get the enemy to behave the way we want them to behave,” says Lt. Colonel Michael Holmes, the leader of the IO unit, who received an official reprimand after bucking orders. “I’m prohibited from doing that to our own people. When you ask me to try to use these skills on senators and congressman, you’re crossing a line.”
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