April 13, 2011
Lew Rockwell Show: Jesse Ventura discusses his new book "63 Documents Your Government Doesn't Want You to Read
“Naked-body “microwave” machines target travelers in violation of the 4th Amendment, the Republican and Democratic parties make everything worse, the CIA is embedded in state governments to control the governors, and the USA is already a police state, censoring Jesse’s show about the building of FEMA camps. Big corporations in control, military kangaroo courts, sixteen million documents stamped “Top Secret,” authoritarian borders — all are a part of the foolish, dangerous, and evil actions of our overlords, exposed in 63 Documents the Government Doesn’t Want You to Read.”
First, you have to watch this video of a six-year old being patted down by the TSA. Folks, this is just wrong!
Now you know why Jesse Ventura is suing TSA – to stop this madness!
Click 63 Documents Your Government Doesn’t Want You to Read to order from Amazon
Here is one of several reviews –
I believe all Americans should read this book. It is an obligation for all of us to know what is being done or said in our name. You may disagree with the politics or the cultural values of Jesse Ventura (I am an Independent, Catholic and a parent of two), but this is my country and I should both know and be responsible for what my country does.
Another similar book I would recommend is DECISION POINTS ? The Truths Behind George W. Bushs Autobiography in His Own Words: THE DECLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS OF GEORGE W. BUSH (American Liberal Critiques). Once again, I am neither Liberal nor Conservative, Republican Nor Democrat, but I do believe that my country belongs to me, and therefore I have an obligation to be informed.
And Jesse Ventura’s new website We ain’t got time to bleed