I’m certainly glad the election is finally over. While I have loved politics my entire life, this presidential election has gone on for over three years, including the GOP primaries, and I’ve had my fill of meaningless slogans and counter-slogans, lies and counter-lies. I had to quit watching political news the last few weeks, as I thought I would become physically sick if I watched any more establishment political “experts” give their required opinions and propaganda bites. [Read more…]
September 4, 2012
Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital
How the GOP presidential candidate and his private equity firm staged an epic wealth grab, destroyed jobs – and stuck others with the bill

The great criticism of Mitt Romney, from both sides of the aisle, has always been that he doesn’t stand for anything. He’s a flip-flopper, they say, a lightweight, a cardboard opportunist who’ll say anything to get elected.
The critics couldn’t be more wrong. [Read more…]
May 1, 2012
MPs' phone hacking report: Rupert Murdoch not 'fit person' to run News Corp
Rupert Murdoch is “not a fit person” to run an international company because he showed “wilful blindness” to the extent of phone-hacking at the News of the World, a devastating report by MPs has concluded.
April 4, 2011
Investigative Journalist Wayne Madsen "Under Threat…they want to kill you."
Editor’s note: Wayne Madsen is an investigative journalist who has covered political happenings inside the Beltway for decades. His work is superior and his sources are global. He is owned by no one and is therefore free from corporate constraints to report the facts as told to him. Wayne and his investigative work is a rarity these days b/c corporate media cut investigative journalism budgets long ago. You know when you are reading a Wayne Madsen Report that it is the unvarnished truth, and obviously, reporting said truths, especially related to the empire’s CIC who has gone to great lengths to hide all there is to know about him, is threatening. Well, here’s a big clue – stop hiding who and what you truly are, Mr. President! Give American’s some credit – they may actually like the hidden Obama more than the pretend one seen in plain view everyday! And tell your lackey’s to back off because WE THE PEOPLE will be watching…closely.
By Wayne Madsen
publication date: Apr 3, 2011
April 4, 2011 — White House threats must be taken seriously
In yet another indication that America’s democratic experiment is a thing of the past, this editor has received word from a source in a foreign intelligence agency allied with the United States that there has been talk by some within the Obama White House that this editor is under threat. What particular stories have inflamed the White House are not known but the warning conveyed by the source, who has connections within the White House, was stark in its directness: “They want to kill you.”
It was perfectly clear that the phrase was not being used as a figure of speech.
That this development is being reported on April 4 is even more ironic. On April 4, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King, Kr. was assassinated in Memphis during his mission to support striking sanitation workers in the city. Now, we have our first African-American president and a threat to kill a journalist who is most definitely not one of their favorites has been seriously discussed. [Read more…]
February 4, 2011
SPECIAL REPORT. Obama's gambit: Holding Egypt for Holder
Editor’s Note: For eleven days now, citizens of Egypt have taken to the streets demanding the removal of their repressive dictator Hosni Mubarak. Today, they are protesting in front of the Presidential Palace. The people of Egypt want this man gone and who can blame them after living under such oppressive tyranny for nearly 30 years. By all accounts from reputable journalists, not the propaganda talking heads, the United States appartchik has played a rather significant role in training, mobilizing and funding the youth of Egypt to rise up and demand Mubarak’s immediate departure (see Archives of Daily Specials to read the numerous articles detailing the US involvement). Yet, when the protests heated up the US started playing footsie with these citizens lives, 300 dead and counting, rather than taking a principled position and practicing what they preach ad nauseum – “We are committed to building democracies around the globe thereby giving the people their rights and freedom.”
So why the footsie game? Could the US appatchik be stalling the removal of their puppet Mubarak for other nefarious reasons? Many “real” journalists are avid students of the history of US relations with Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen to name a few, and are offering thoughtful insights. However, few appear to be connecting the US apparatchiks torture and rendition policies, beginning in the nineties, to the current US double talk. Following are two reports: first is a recent report produced by Global Reports detailing “Obama’s block on the US Torture Probe” and, the second, a “Special Report-Obama’s gambit: Holding Egypt for Holder” by investigative journalist Wayne Madsen of Wayne Madsen Reports. Maybe these two well founded and documented reports will shed some light on the very real reasons for the US Appartchik’s current double talk.
February 3, 2011 Wayne Madsen Reportsby Wayne Madsen
WMR has learned from a well-informed political insider that President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have waffled on support for Egypt’s pro-democracy revolution in order to safeguard a covert U.S.-Egyptian rendition and torture program that dates back to the Clinton administration. In fact, Clinton’s Deputy Attorney General, Eric Holder, now Obama’s Attorney General, was the first Department of Justice official to write a legal brief authorizing the rendition of alleged terrorists from third countries by the CIA to Egypt for purposes of interrogation and torture. [Read more…]