UPDATE X5: This is our last update tonight. Here are the lead stories at the Washington Post and NY Times as of 10:50 pm EST tonight, March 3, 2013 –
February 22, 2013
A Bad Idea Gets Worse
Esquire – Political Blog
February 21, 2012
Ed Kilgore is a good man. He’s been very kind to the blog since its toddlerhood. Which makes it something of a surprise that he’s trying so very hard to kill me. He calls attention to this horror in the New York Times and then steps back, as if to distance himself from the explosion and subsequent cranial shrapnel. [Read more…]
February 19, 2013
Presumptive CIA Head John Brennan: Human Rights Denier, Torture Advocate and Obama's Drone Hitman
“Ben Swann Full Disclosure takes a look by CIA Director nominee John Brennan’s statements from the past about absolute human rights and his current role in coordinating U.S. drone strikes” –
Read the full story below the fold “Presumptive CIA Head John Brennan: Human Rights Denier, Torture Advocate and Obama’s Drone Hitman” [Read more…]
February 7, 2013
Jon Stewart Nails the Hypocrisy of the Obama Administration Drone Operations
On last night’s Daily Show program Jon Stewart nailed the Obama administration on it’s lack of transparency about their Drone operation saying “We [Obama] told you we were going to be transparent we just didn’t tell you it was going to be about the last guys secrets.”
This administrations hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Here’s Stewart’s “Skygall” clip – [Read more…]