Senator Sanders has apparently had enough with the Bankster Mafia being rewarded rather handsomely for ripping off American’s who only wanted a piece of the so-called American Dream…home ownership. Sure many received plump loans to buy homes they couldn’t afford, but it’s the bankster mafia that gave them the loans, certainly not you and me, the tax debtpayer. [Read more…]
May 13, 2012
Max Keiser 'Unplugged' in LA's Chinatown covered the infamous Max Keiser in a rare, albeit colorful, presentation in L.A.’s Chinatown. If you are a Max Keiser and Stacey Herbert fan you won’t want to miss this “major rant against the big banks.” [Read more…]
October 4, 2011
Editor’s Note: Back in 2009, we watched the organic movement of the Tea Party infiltrated and taken over by FreedomWorks, the Koch Brothers and Fox. Today, the public associates the Tea Party efforts to the Republican Party even though the majority of self-identified Tea Partiers consider themselves to be Independents. The take over succeeded in diluting and re channeling these patriots momentum, not b/c they were right or wrong, BUT b/c many of the early supporters no longer wished to give any kind of support to either national party. As an electorate, we’ve grown beyond tired of having to choose b/w two losers, but that is how the establishment works and is a chief reason why a new movement will be born out of “Occupy America”. As we learned from the Republican hijacking of the Tea Party movement, anything that dares to threaten the establishments agenda will be ridiculed, taken over, crushed or simply ignored. Today, it looks like the D’s are swooping in to try and hijack “Occupy America’s” momentum and to refocus the energy to support Obama’s re election campaign agenda. Here’s to hoping they fail, and fail miserably! It’s past time for the people, only the people, to rise up and say enough to the political and financial establishment who are plunging not only America but the world into ruin! To the people of “Occupy America” don’t allow yourselves to be played, because the people of the world have been waiting a long time for American’s to take back our country from the greedy hands of the establishment. They, we, need you to succeed.
October 4, 2010
by Wayne Madsen
Wall Street and London hedge fund tycoon George Soros sent a signal to his minions and infiltrators when he stated that he sympathized with the Occupy Wall Street movement. Soros’s statement dovetailed with David Plouffe, President Obama’s Senior Adviser, making contact with certain newly-minted “leaders” of the “Occupy” movement across the United States to ensure that they are as politically-manipulated by the White House as a vast majority of “Tea Party” members have been manipulated by senior Republican Party officials and the billionaire Koch Brothers. [Read more…]
October 2, 2011
By far this is the most outstanding investigative report I’ve seen detailing what happened in 2008 resulting in the financial meltdown felt by every person alive today. This is a must watch. Turn off the idiot box and learn what the hell really happened then and how the cycle of destruction continues. (Note: click on headline or scroll down below the fourth video and click on full story to especially view the first two videos. Click on vid bar to enlarge to full screen)
Part 3/4 ‘Paying the Price’
Part 4/4 ‘After the Fall’
September 21, 2011
Meltdown – The men who crashed the world Part 1/4
And not one of these SOB’s has lost a friggin thing! Not one has spent the first second locked up behind bars! Not one has lost their self gorging of high living because the taxpayer is on the hook to try and pay these debts off! Not one has even admitted or taken any kind of responsibility whatsoever for their own over blown, sociopathic, maniacal hubris! Not one of them! How in the hell does this happen in a just world? It doesn’t, because our world, as constructed by these same mad men, is not one that is just.
The T-Room will post the remaining segments to this investigation as they become available.
Here is AJ’s schedule – “Meltdown is a four-part investigation that takes a closer look at the people who brought down the financial world. It can be seen on Al Jazeera English from Tuesday, September 20, at the following times GMT: Tuesday: 2000; Wednesday: 1200; Thursday: 0100; Friday: 0600; Saturday: 2000; Sunday: 1200; Monday: 0100; Tuesday: 0600.”
August 8, 2011
Bloody Monday….and so it begins….
Following Friday night’s credit rating announcement by S & P Chairman John Chambers, the T-Room will be capturing and posting hotlinks throughout the day to capture the market’s reaction.
Some in the industry have termed today as “Bloody Monday” which by all accounts appears appropriate given the headlines already appearing and it’s only 10:06 am.
To give you a bit more context as to what is happening and how Congress seems to be benefitting personally from all of this, we kick off this post with a “Government Gone Wild” video highlighting those congress critters, who are now on the “List” and the millions they are making to enrich themselves by betting on your losses – [Read more…]
July 5, 2011
Keiser Report: Robbed and Securitised
This week’s Keiser Report covers –
“This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report on ‘no buyers’ at the firesale of Greek national income producing assets and on Ben Bernanke as the Taliban of finance. In the second half of the show, Max talks to economist Yanis Varoufakis about the bailout and austerity packages for Greece.”
June 14, 2011
Keiser Report: Economic Melt-Through
Stacy Herbert and Max Keiser covers economic front throughout the world.
June 6, 2011
Max Keiser: The Private Federal Reserve Bank, "A Global Mafia Cartel"
Alex talks with film-maker, broadcaster and former broker and options trader Max Keiser about the economy and other topics.
Part 2
Well, There’s Your Problem Right There … Insider Trading Rules Don’t Apply To Congress
May 20, 2011
RT – Taibbi: 'U.S. politics – reality show sponsored by Wall Street'
They weren’t murderers or anything; they had merely stolen more money than most people can rationally conceive of, from their own customers, in a few blinks of an eye. But then they went one step further. They came to Washington, took an oath before Congress, and lied about it.
Thanks to an extraordinary investigative effort by a Senate subcommittee that unilaterally decided to take up the burden the criminal justice system has repeatedly refused to shoulder, we now know exactly what Goldman Sachs executives like Lloyd Blankfein and Daniel Sparks lied about. We know exactly how they and other top Goldman executives, including David Viniar and Thomas Montag, defrauded their clients. America has been waiting for a case to bring against Wall Street. Here it is, and the evidence has been gift-wrapped and left at the doorstep of federal prosecutors, evidence that doesn’t leave much doubt: Goldman Sachs should stand trial.
Read the rest of Taibbi’s article at Rolling Stone by clicking HERE
February 3, 2011
RT: The Keiser Report – Silver Stake for JP Vampire
Kind warning, Max is on fire and he’s loaded for bear. Enjoy!
December 21, 2010
Keiser Report – JP Morgue
Is JP Morgan Shifting Its Silver And Gold Shorts To Non-US
Domiciled, And Thus Unregulatable, Banks?

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/20/2010 22:07 -0500
Going through recent bullion bank shorting information, Adrian Douglas has stumbled across a nugget that may explain the sudden willingness of JPM to admit to the FT, via proxies as obviously the bank would never expose itself to even remote market manipulation claims, that it has collapsed its silver short. The reason: even as US bank silver (and gold) shorts by US banks have been gradually declining, those positions established by non-US bank, and thus entities not under the CFTC’s control, have seen their silver shorts surge, increasing by orders of magnitude over the past several months. Is there a stealthy transfer of precious metals market manipulation taking place, one that exonerates the domestic, and therefore regulatable, suspects, while making foreign banks carry the burden of suppressing silver and gold prices? The reason: hand over the silver shorts to entities that would not be subject to the CFTC’s upcoming size limit rules. Per Douglas: “The sudden and massive increase in their short positions in both metals is conspicuous when compared with historical trading patterns. The fact that it occurs at a time when the US banks that are mega-short appear to be covering makes it doubly intriguing. It looks like a strategy to shift suppression and manipulation of the market to banks that are not under the direct supervision of the CFTC. Will these non-US banks be expecting to receive an exemption to position limits where US banks might not be successful?” We hope to get an answer to all these questions soon – Douglas has sent out the following letter to the only honest man at the CFTC, Bart Chilton, which explains Douglas’ findings, and demands an inquiry into just who these foreign banks are that are suddenly shorting silver and gold on the margin at alarming rates.
Read full story HERE