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June 8, 2010
Remembering the crew of the USS Liberty
Today, June 8, 1967 the USS Liberty and her crew were attacked by Israel in International Waters. The attack lasted for hours with no help arriving from US Air Force carriers that were close by. Although the Air Force tried mightily to come to their brothers aid, then President Lyndon Baines Johnson, serving at Commander In Chief, ordered the air force to “cut her wings”.
It wasn’t until a Russian ship hearing the mayday calls arrived upon the brutal attack that it ceased. [Read more…]
April 26, 2010
300 Members of US Congress Commit Treason
I wonder what members of Virginia’s Congressional delegation signed this letter? Any of you want to fess up? Especially since no one can get their hands on the letter with the 300 Congressional signatures on it. Nope. We’ve just been told they signed it. The T-Room patrons would love to see the letter to learn if their Congressional leaders signed the letter thereby committing treason. Just post it here. [Read more…]
VT: Why won't America's leaders admit to the fact that Israel has Nuclear Weapons
We know this but why won’t our leaders just state the facts? I don’t get it. Do you? [Read more…]