Real News reports “despite GOP attacks on Obama’s Israel positions, his record of appeasing both Netanyahu’s Likud government and the Israel lobby has earned him the support of most American Zionists, and a few key friends in high places.” [Read more…]
May 29, 2012
Another computer worm – W32.Flamer – hit Iran's oil terminals
Experts warn W32.Flamer may have been developed by a nation state as part of cyberwarfare activities
by Nick Hopkins,

Iran's Kharg island terminal processes 90% of the country's crude oil exports Photograph: Kaveh Kazemi/Corbis
A cyber-attack that targeted Iran‘s oil ministry and main export terminal was caused by the most sophisticated computer worm yet developed, experts have warned. [Read more…]
May 1, 2012
USS Enterprise False Flag!!
The Heretic presents, Mike Rivero’s “USS Enterprise False Flag” from
USS Enterprise Prepares To Cross Suez Canal, Days Away From Anchor In Arabian Sea (posted 3/29/2012 at Zerohedge)
Much noise has been emanating out of Israel vis-a-vis its Iranian intentions, with some opinions suggesting an attack is imminent, while others claiming that Israel will ultimately defer to D.C., and postpone an attack, and the eventual gasoline price shock, until after the election. [Read more…]
March 31, 2012
Stratfor leak: Are Netanyahu and Mossad planning an aerial assassination of President Obama?
By Wayne Madsen
March 29, 2012
In the latest leak from WikiLeaks of hacked e-mails from the private intelligence firm Stratfor, Fred Burton, Stratfor’s vice president for intelligence, reveals that Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is an intelligence source for Stratfor. However, the e-mails sent by Burton strongly indicate that Stratfor, which was founded by pro-Israeli businessman George Friedman; Netanyahu, and Mossad are of the same mindset when it comes to a perception that President Barack Obama is a threat to Israel. [Read more…]
March 9, 2012
Jon Stewart of the Daily Show talks w/Author Dr. Trita Parsi about the Iran Crisis
Dr. Trita Parsi, author of A Single Roll of the Dice: Obama’s Diplomacy with Iran, was interviewed by Jon Stewart of the Daily Show this week detailing how the Bush Preemptive War Doctrine and then the Obama Administrations missed diplomatic opportunities w/Iran resulting in the untenable situation the nation finds itself in. [Read more…]
December 13, 2011
Disinfo Agents Lead Opening Act to WW III
(Editor’s note: We’ve been following Ms. Germek’s writings for years now at a subscriber site. She comes to us with firsthand experience of watching her homeland destroyed by NATO and American forces. She’s seen war propaganda up close and see’s what happened in her homeland now happening here, in America. We welcome Ms. Germek and her acute observations on current events and look forward to her becoming a regular here. She’s a gem and her writing style is no holds bar. Enjoy)
by Silvija Germek ©
Are we getting truthful reporting about Syria and Iran from our MSM? There is a rather obvious blackout of media coverage on what is going on in Syria. Are these the psyops and COINTELPRO preparation for WW III as it is deployed on blogs around the world? [Read more…]
December 10, 2011
Jerusalem-Altar of Sacrifice Produced by Patrick Willis
h/t Silvija [Read more…]
December 2, 2011
Occupy LA Teach In With William K Black – He's still a straight shooter…
Black sums up precisely the utter lack of accountability by the Obama administration of any of those banks who threw America’s entire economy into the black hole, no pun intended, that we’ve been enduring since 2008. Understand, Black was a lead legal investigator who exposed the Savings and Loan Crisis scandal known as the Keating Five. According to Wikipedia, [Read more…]
Is economist, columnist, former Reagan official Paul Craig Roberts correct when stating to RT News that the Senate vote taken Tuesday on Sen Paul’s amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, an amendment designed to repeal language that broadened the definition of indefinite detention to include the “ability to detain American citizens without trial or charge, anywhere in the world“, a repeal of the entirety of the United States Constitution? If Roberts assessment is correct, which appears to be rather obvious, then America and all of her citizens were betrayed by the 60 Members of the Senate who voted against the amendment! [Read more…]
November 24, 2011
Stage set for further US/NATO military intervention around the world by Wayne Madsen
The Obama administration, in yet another display of the use of Orwellian language, has embarked on a military doctrine called “Mass Atrocity Prevention” (MAP), the Pentagon operational plan to implement the White House’s “R2P” or “Responsibility to Protect” doctrine. Essentially, the Pentagon will militarily support the intervention of international forces operating under the umbrella of NATO, UN, the African Union, the Organization of American States (OAS), the Arab League, and others to prevent a “massacre” by a dictatorial government perceived to pose a threat to its domestic opposition. [Read more…]
Israel, the IAEA, and the Road to War With Iran
November 17, 2011
War Clouds Form Over Iran…
First, a Press TV interview with Jeffery Steinberg, the editor of Executive Intelligence Review, who articulates the purpose behind the fearmongering behind the invade Iran meme.
Now, click Full Story to read an essay by Wayne Madsen titled War Clouds Form over Iran [Read more…]
November 14, 2011
Arab League Suspends Syria: What's Next?
Why is the Arab League suspending Syria? Russia’s foreign minister suggests Western countries aka the United States are trying to stir up opposition in Syria so as to topple President Bashar al-Assad. This strategy appears to be Clinton’s State Departments modus operandi, that is using Soros funded infiltrators to stir up opposition that leads to the overthrow of those who apparently are not kowtowing to the Council on Foreign Relations and Tri-Lateral Commissions “New World Order” goal. [Read more…]
November 3, 2011
"Human Rights" Groups and the Pretext for War in Syria
In this RT interview independent journalist, James Corbett, details the fact that on Monday, November 1, 2011 the Arab League brokered a deal with Bashar al-Assad, Syria’s President “easing the country’s long-running political crisis.” As Corbett reports “the agreement urges Damascus to immediately withdraw security forces from the streets, release jailed demonstrators, and start dialogue with the opposition. Syria also agreed to allow rights groups and Arab League watchdogs into the country. But the U.S. still says it wants to see President Assad resign” and suggests Syria’s geographical location as strategic to the US to launch an offensive into Iran. [Read more…]
September 28, 2011
Why did Solyndra declare bankruptcy? h/t WMR
By Anonymous Americus
By now we’ve heard from practically everyone – experts and layman alike – why Solyndra declared bankruptcy. Everyone, that is, except the management and owners of Solyndra.
Although the company’s executive management was called before Congress to testify about the bankruptcy, they declined to answer any questions, citing their fifth amendment protection against self-incrimination.
Most observers claim it was the fall in silicon prices that made the company’s business model unsustainable. According to the New York Times:
“Solyndra’s unique tube-shaped solar panels — which harvest early morning and evening light for electricity instead of just midday sun — do not rely on silicon. But it assumed its competitors would continue to pay a relatively high price for silicon, allowing Solyndra to charge the premium required to turn a profit on its panels. It was an assumption Obama officials bought into. But industry experts outside the federal government, going back to 2008, were predicting silicon prices were headed for a steep fall.”
However, no-one really knows if this is true or not. What was the sales price of Solyndra’s panels? What did their order book look like? How many long-term supply contracts were signed with European developers, with whom the Solyndra product was so popular? Were buyers also attracted to the energy-harvesting capabilities, portability and ease of installation of Solyndra panels versus silicon PV? Only the privately-held company’s executive management and owners know the answers to those questions, and they are not telling. [Read more…]
September 19, 2011
Dr. Hannah Ashrawi Details the Importance of Upcoming Vote at the UN on Palestinian Statehood
From RT: “Key international financial institutions have confirmed Palestine is now economically strong enough to stand alone as an independent state. That’s as President Abbas prepares to bid for full UN membership at the General Assembly later this week. With full member status at the UN, Palestine may finally be able to hold Israel to account for its crimes against the Palestinian people and the occupation of their land, believes Palestinian politician Hanan Ashrawi.”
September 15, 2011
Inside Story – Saudi warns US over Palestine
Inside Story discusses with PJ Crowley, former US State Dept Spokesman, Jamal Khashoggi, Gen. Manager of Al Arab News Channel, and Salmon Shaikh, Director, Brookings Institute Doha about the upcoming vote at the UN Security Council on Palestinian statehood based on the 1967 border agreement. The US has stated it will exercise it’s Veto power if 9 out of the 15 member’s vote in favor of statehood.
Here is James Corbett’s ‘Eye Opener’ Report this week interviewing Pepe Escobar, Asia Times, and Joe Lauria, WSJ, discussing the UN vote The EyeOpener- USrael vs. Palestine: A Two-Faced Rejection of a Two-State Solution
May 24, 2011
The Patriot Act: When Truth Becomes Treason – h/t WMR
By Susan Lindauer, former Asset covering Iraq & Libya and the second non-Arab American indicted on the Patriot Act
Many Americans think they understand the dangers of the Patriot Act, which Congress has vowed to extend 4 more years in a vote later this week. Trust me when I say, Americans are not nearly frightened enough.Ever wonder why the truth about 9/11 never got exposed? Why Americans don’t have a clue about leadership fraud surrounding the War on Terror? Why Americans don’t know if the 9/11 investigation was really successful? Why the Iraqi Peace Option draws a blank? Somebody has known the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden — or his grave—for the past 10 years. But nobody’s talking to the people.
In significant part, that’s because of the Patriot Act — a law that equates free speech with sedition. It’s got a big agenda, with 7,000 pages of Machiavellian code designed to interrupt individual questioning of government policy. In this brave new world, free speech under the Bill of Rights effectively has been declared a threat to government controls for maintaining stability. And the Patriot Act has become the premiere weapon to attack whistle blowers and dissidents who challenge the comfort of political leaders hiding inconvenient truths from the public. It’s all the rage on Capitol Hill, as leaders strive to score TV ratings, while demogauging their “outstanding leadership performance” on everything from national security to environmental policy. [Read more…]
May 22, 2011
'Netanyahu picks row with Obama to divert public attention' – It's working
Democracy Now! hosted a roundtable discussion on Friday, May 20, 2011, with author Norman Finkelstein, Palestinian human rights lawyer Noura Erakat, and Jeremy Ben-Ami, head of the lobby group J Street to discuss President Obama’s speech on the Middle East and what he really said regarding the Israel and Palestinian conflict.
As well, Press TV posted a short clip of the United Nations Rapporteur, Richard Falk, who provides a candid assessment of the President’s speech, where he emphatically states the meeting b/w Obama and Netanyahu was an “attempt by the Israeli premier to “divert attention” from the fact that most of Obama’s speech on the Middle East was ‘favorable to Israel and damaging to the Palestinians.'” Click HERE to listen to Falk’s assessment.
UPDATE: Sunday, May 22, 2011, talk about in your face – Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak has approved the construction of 294 new illegal Jewish settler units in the occupied Palestinian land.
May 17, 2011
Imagine If London Was Occupied by Israel
Also read the progress the humanitarian mission to Gaza is making via the Rachel Corrie
BREAKING NEWS: Israel’s Attack on Humanitarian Ship to Gaza.
Updated Report
by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky
The Spirit of Rachel Corrie (officially known as FINCH) carrying a humanitarian cargo to Gaza was attacked by an Israeli naval patrol within the so-called Palestinian Security Zone on May 15, at 10.54pm EDT. In the course of the last few hours, Global Research has communicated several times with the Rachel Corrie vessel en route to Gaza. What is provided below is a detailed update. An earlier article was posted at 12.30am EDT
The vessel left the Greek Port of Piraeus, on Wednesday, May 11. The humanitarian initiative is sponsored by the Perdana Global Peace Foundation (PGPF), chaired by the former Prime Minister of Malaysia Mahathir Mohamad.
Participating in this mission are anti-war activists and journalists, consisting of 7 Malaysians, 2 Irish, 2 Indians and 1 Canadian. The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) is a partner in this endeavor. Global Research`s Julie Lévesque is on board the Rachel Corrie:
Read the rest of the update/story HERE.