December 20, 2013
by Wayne Madsen
Wayne Madsen Report
By Helen Tansey
The nuclear meltdown at the Fukushima Dai’Ichi power plant continues with no end in sight. Everyday we awake to fresh news about one of four reactors exploding, on fire or spewing white, grey or black fumes into the air we breath. Water used to cool the reactors has been freely flowing into the sea and ground water, thereby forever poisoning the very resource necessary to sustain life.
The good people in and around the area were evacuated over a week ago – first 3 then 10 now 20km. When the evacuee’s entered the evacuation centers they were promptly geigered, given face masks and Potassium Iodide to stave off the poisoning of radioactive material.
Outside the center, folks are learning their milk, food, tap and sea water are all reading high levels of radiation. Those who could afford to flee for safety left last week. The US military initially began voluntary evacuations of women and children last week, but has since made said evacuations mandatory.
Homes, businesses and entire towns are destroyed by the awesome force of mother nature. Thousands remain unaccounted for. Mass graves are filling up with the dead with the hope that some day some family member will identify the perished and provide them with a proper burial.
The air these people breath, the water they drink and the soil they till is poisoned forever. There is no clean up process available for radioactive material. None. Zilch. Zip.
It must feel like a living hell in Japan these days. [Read more…]