As many nations try to regulate the internet, how far will governments go to censor online content? Engaged internet activists, Rebecca MacKinnon and Latoya Peterson, discuss the US proposed legislation called Stop Online Piracy ACT, SOPA, plus, one Austrian student’s battle against Facebook. [Read more…]
November 1, 2011
Greek PM risks all on referendum
October 28, 2011
People & Power – The Koch Brothers
Al Jazeera’s English channel released this expose on the Koch Brothers and their extensive reach and influence on the right side of the aisle. It’s well done. Let’s hope AJ English will be releasing an expose on the Soros’ reach and influence on the left side of the aisle. The T-Room will post it if they do.
October 13, 2011
Nigel Farage: United States of Europe insane politics
First Slovakia voted NO for the newest bailout, but then voted YES. Here’s Zerohedge’s latest on this continued saga…
Well, that’s that.
Now: perhaps we can finally get some details of what will happen next instead of just blind short covering squeeze on rumor-based headfakes? Oh wait, we won’t? Because there are no real details and it is all just rhetoric?
And then there is this update “Van Rompuy And Barroso Announce €440 Billion EFSF Fully Functional; Now, How Do They Expand It To €3 Trillion?”
October 4, 2011
Editor’s Note: Back in 2009, we watched the organic movement of the Tea Party infiltrated and taken over by FreedomWorks, the Koch Brothers and Fox. Today, the public associates the Tea Party efforts to the Republican Party even though the majority of self-identified Tea Partiers consider themselves to be Independents. The take over succeeded in diluting and re channeling these patriots momentum, not b/c they were right or wrong, BUT b/c many of the early supporters no longer wished to give any kind of support to either national party. As an electorate, we’ve grown beyond tired of having to choose b/w two losers, but that is how the establishment works and is a chief reason why a new movement will be born out of “Occupy America”. As we learned from the Republican hijacking of the Tea Party movement, anything that dares to threaten the establishments agenda will be ridiculed, taken over, crushed or simply ignored. Today, it looks like the D’s are swooping in to try and hijack “Occupy America’s” momentum and to refocus the energy to support Obama’s re election campaign agenda. Here’s to hoping they fail, and fail miserably! It’s past time for the people, only the people, to rise up and say enough to the political and financial establishment who are plunging not only America but the world into ruin! To the people of “Occupy America” don’t allow yourselves to be played, because the people of the world have been waiting a long time for American’s to take back our country from the greedy hands of the establishment. They, we, need you to succeed.
October 4, 2010
by Wayne Madsen
Wall Street and London hedge fund tycoon George Soros sent a signal to his minions and infiltrators when he stated that he sympathized with the Occupy Wall Street movement. Soros’s statement dovetailed with David Plouffe, President Obama’s Senior Adviser, making contact with certain newly-minted “leaders” of the “Occupy” movement across the United States to ensure that they are as politically-manipulated by the White House as a vast majority of “Tea Party” members have been manipulated by senior Republican Party officials and the billionaire Koch Brothers. [Read more…]
October 2, 2011
By far this is the most outstanding investigative report I’ve seen detailing what happened in 2008 resulting in the financial meltdown felt by every person alive today. This is a must watch. Turn off the idiot box and learn what the hell really happened then and how the cycle of destruction continues. (Note: click on headline or scroll down below the fourth video and click on full story to especially view the first two videos. Click on vid bar to enlarge to full screen)
Part 3/4 ‘Paying the Price’
Part 4/4 ‘After the Fall’
September 21, 2011
Meltdown – The men who crashed the world Part 1/4
And not one of these SOB’s has lost a friggin thing! Not one has spent the first second locked up behind bars! Not one has lost their self gorging of high living because the taxpayer is on the hook to try and pay these debts off! Not one has even admitted or taken any kind of responsibility whatsoever for their own over blown, sociopathic, maniacal hubris! Not one of them! How in the hell does this happen in a just world? It doesn’t, because our world, as constructed by these same mad men, is not one that is just.
The T-Room will post the remaining segments to this investigation as they become available.
Here is AJ’s schedule – “Meltdown is a four-part investigation that takes a closer look at the people who brought down the financial world. It can be seen on Al Jazeera English from Tuesday, September 20, at the following times GMT: Tuesday: 2000; Wednesday: 1200; Thursday: 0100; Friday: 0600; Saturday: 2000; Sunday: 1200; Monday: 0100; Tuesday: 0600.”
September 16, 2011
Haiti: After the Quake Al Jazeera's Sebastian Walker asks why a system that was designed to help Haitians ended up exacerbating their misery
This report by Al Jazeera’s correspondent, Sebastian Walker, from Haiti shows every well intentioned donor to disaster relief precisely how their donations are spent or not. To learn that more than a year after the devastating earthquake that rocked Haiti and her people that thousands upon thousands still have no “drinking” water is shameful. What the hell have these relief agencies spent donors money on? Running water, people, friggin running water! In a years time these agencies, especially the UN, have demonstrated their utter ineptness by not even successfully providing WATER!
Read full story by clicking HERE
September 15, 2011
Inside Story – Saudi warns US over Palestine
Inside Story discusses with PJ Crowley, former US State Dept Spokesman, Jamal Khashoggi, Gen. Manager of Al Arab News Channel, and Salmon Shaikh, Director, Brookings Institute Doha about the upcoming vote at the UN Security Council on Palestinian statehood based on the 1967 border agreement. The US has stated it will exercise it’s Veto power if 9 out of the 15 member’s vote in favor of statehood.
Here is James Corbett’s ‘Eye Opener’ Report this week interviewing Pepe Escobar, Asia Times, and Joe Lauria, WSJ, discussing the UN vote The EyeOpener- USrael vs. Palestine: A Two-Faced Rejection of a Two-State Solution
June 16, 2011
Inside Story: Greece protests at austerity measures
May 23, 2011
101 East: Pacific paradise timebomb – Japanese shipwrecks destroyed during World War II could lead to an environmental disaster in the Pacific
Al Jazeera’s 101 East program shines a bright spotlight on the impending environmental disaster quietly lying submersed in the pristine area known as Chuuk, Japan – a Pacific Paradise.
From Al Jazeera –
It was a defining moment of World War II. In February 1944, the US Navy attacked Japan’s naval forces in the western Pacific.After 48 hours, 200,000 tonnes of Japanese ships, aircraft, trucks and tanks were sunk, creating a haunting undersea graveyard.
Today, the site is a marine wonderland, attracting scuba divers from across the world. But it has also become a ticking timebomb, threatening a fragile Pacific paradise.
Within the rapidly deteriorating shipwrecks lurk tens of millions of litres of thick black oil which scientists say will be released in the next few years, destroying a pristine environment and the island’s economy for generations to come.
If the Japanese and American governments do nothing to mitigate and resolve this troubling situation, an environmental disaster as big as the tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico will occur.
May 1, 2011
Riz Khan – Malcolm X: Who was the man behind the legend?
“Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention” by Manning Marable, the late Director, of the Malcolm X Project at Columbia University

Whether you’re just getting to know this giant and enigmatic figure of the civil rights “movement” – or in Malcolm’s case revolution – or you were on the street in the day, Manning Marable’s biography is worth your valuable time. In addition to being a wide and deep examination of how Malcolm Little became Malcolm X and how Malcom X became a universal advocate for the oppressed, especially of African heritage, Marable fills in gaps with his singular access to records and sources, as well as his sustained effort over a decade in producing this biography. But, perhaps most importantly, the voice that Malcolm X raised in defense of those being oppressed carries a message especially important in our time. We should listen.
Marable examines Malcolm’s life from many angles, in many contexts, which are necessary given that he manifested himself in appearances that ranged from hustler and angry voice from the ghetto to social activist and pragmatist willing to work within the American “system.” And this broad appeal largely defines Malcolm X’s appeal according to Marable: “Malcolm’s journey of reinvention was in many ways centered on his lifelong quest to discern the meaning and substance of faith. As a prisoner, he embraced an antiwhite quasi-Islamic sect that nevertheless validated his fragmented sense of humanity and ethnic identity. But as he traveled across the world…Malcolm came to adopt true Islam’s universalism, and its belief that all could find Allah’s grace regardless of race.” (p.12)
To black audiences, “what made him truly original was that he presented himself as the embodiment of the two central figures of African-American folk culture, simultaneously the hustler/trickster and the preacher/minister…the trickster is unpredictable and capable of outrageous transgressions; the minister saves souls, redeems shattered lives, and promises a new world.” I might add that I suspect this appeal is not limited to just black audiences.
Read the rest of this comment by clicking HERE
Click HERE to learn more about the Malcolm X Project at Columbia University, NY, NY
March 7, 2011
With Millions of American's Turning off Lamestream News and Turning on Alternative News the State Department Pleads for More Propaganda Dollars to Compete
There is ONE reason millions upon millions of American’s continue to turn off ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, MSNBC and turning on Russia Today, Press TV, Al Jazeera, the Corbett Report and Prison Planet to name a few alternative radio/video sites.
That reason is simple – American’s and people across the globe wish to know the truth. It’s that simple.
Those of us who have turned to the internet to learn what the hell is going on have learned time and again that government’s lie…a lot! This is especially true here in America. This lying has apparently been going on for at least a half a century if not longer; the talking heads of yore just lied better than the current ones do. Nonetheless, lies, lies, lies.
The game is up – the empire building American leadership has been “covertly” doing in our name while maiming our military personnel and sending us in to debt slaves to pay for it all is being exposed to the light of day, and we’re not taking to kindly to it.
Secretary Hillary Clinton seems to think her agency needs more cashola to counter this truth movement b/c as she put’s it “we’re losing the propaganda information war with foreign media”. Big clue Secretary Clinton, America has LOST the information war. Gone! Over! Toast! It has been replaced with news outlets that tell us American’s what our country is really doing – building her empire when during another time in our history, we went to War to stop a man from doing such a thing – of which few American’s want or desire. Oh, and those few who do are the one’s feeding at the trough of the oligarch’s who want to dominate the world aka the New World Order.
PS – Glenn, you are one of the biggest lamestream media propagandists on the payroll. Give it up.
UPDATE X1 – From Raw Story –
Exclusive: I ‘wined and dined’ NYT and WSJ for favorable coverage, health insurance whistleblower says
by Brad Jacobson
“It was so easy for me to get my way”
A former health insurance insider turned whistleblower says that he was not only surprised at how “easy” it was to manipulate members of the news media over the years, but also reveals that he routinely “wined and dined” reporters from major news outlets – including the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal – in return for favorable coverage.
In his new book Deadly Spin, Wendell Potter describes how his chief function as a senior public relations officer at two of the largest for-profit health insurance companies in the United States – Humana and Cigna – was to “perpetuate myths that had no other purpose but to sustain those companies’ extraordinary high profitability.”
But in an extended interview with Raw Story last week, Potter went further, revealing that he lunched with reporters at major media outlets for years – including journalists at the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal – as well as those from local and regional media, in most cases picking up the tab, which he says directly resulted in positive coverage of the companies he represented.
Read the rest of this investigation HERE
March 5, 2011
Al Jazeera: Pink Floyd's Roger Waters adds his voice to the calls for Israel to remove its separation wall
Click full story link below vid to watch in full screen.
January 29, 2011
RT: Egypt protests organized by US? How about the Open Society funding the NGOs?
January 17, 2011
Al Jazeera "Inside Story" – The Military's Role in Tunisia
January 2, 2011
Al Jazeera: With $850 BILLION in Outstanding Tuition Costs, Student Debt outpaces Credit Card liabilities!
From Al Jazeera –
“American university students are beginning the new year with a mountain of debt. There is now $850bn owed in outstanding tuition costs and paying back the money is an ongoing challenge.
Two in every three American students graduate with loans outstanding and the current debt is 11 times the total it was just two decades ago.
Experts say a college degree is an important investment, but in a difficult job market it is an investment that could take a lifetime to pay off.
Al Jazeera’s Tom Ackerman reports.
July 13, 2010
Al Jazeera: Quake victims continued challenges to survive in Haiti
Exactly six months after Haiti was struck by a deadly earthquake, aid agencies are still struggling to care for over a million hungry and homeless people. [Read more…]