We are not “left”. We are not “right”. We are “free” people
This site holds the archives from the original T-Room website. Click here to visit the New T-Room or use the search box below.
We are not “left”. We are not “right”. We are “free” people
Spot on! Great job Congressman Ryan! [Read more…]
UPDATE BELOW: March 1, 2010, Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury speaks about the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth press event held on February 19, 201o.
UPDATE #2: The T-Room fully supports, that means 101%, the Jersey Girls who signed the AE911Truth petition today! I’ve signed it ARE YOU GOING TO SIGN IT?
Did you see anything about this powerful press conference, held on February 19 by the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, on corporate television or read about it in a corporate daily newspaper? I did a quick Google search and stopped at 240 links to learn that just one corporate television outlet, a business report at that, and The Washington Times were the only two “corporate mainstreamers” who bothered to report on this most important and definitively reputable event. Why is that? Don’t you want to know the truth about 9/11? I do. [Read more…]
What the hell is going on???
Tansey & Associates is excited to bring to you a first of its kind political blog – The T-Room ~ A Virtual Pub for Polite Political Discourse. Yep, you read that right – a Virtual Pub fully equipped with an always sunny and warm outdoor Cafe. Why a Pub? Because the Tansey part of Associates has always wanted to own a small Pub where those in the political “know” congregate to enjoy a good meal, a satisfying beverage, share Intel & be seen. Rather than opening a real Pub we thought it’d be fun to build a community virtual Pub.
Donec sed lacus ante, vitae hendrerit ipsum. Aliquam ac justo metus. Sed iaculis libero a nibh sodales varius. Integer blandit pretium auctor! Quisque eu erat lacus, a dictum ipsum? Fusce at metus urna, vel interdum elit. Aenean blandit dolor ut ante pretium at pulvinar tellus feugiat. Donec vel sapien tortor. Fusce vestibulum vestibulum orci; a fringilla tortor congue eleifend. Sed iaculis volutpat tellus at ultricies. Donec ultrices, ipsum non fringilla pharetra, odio nunc sollicitudin ligula, sed blandit magna tellus sit amet urna. Donec felis neque, aliquam at consequat sit amet, ultrices eu orci. Cras pellentesque vestibulum magna, ac varius arcu molestie id. Maecenas hendrerit purus eget tortor imperdiet non euismod odio varius. Mauris elit justo, iaculis sed porta eget, pretium et quam! Integer blandit imperdiet diam, aliquam ornare metus sodales vitae. Duis eu arcu libero, non posuere ipsum! Integer malesuada nulla eget eros semper ut ullamcorper lorem suscipit. Quisque eu lobortis velit. Nam nunc odio, aliquet eget aliquam ac, mattis ac augue. [Read more…]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi interdum euismod ante a pharetra. Donec euismod, felis ut adipiscing congue, arcu nunc iaculis metus, ut semper ante nulla quis lorem. Nam imperdiet, tellus ut luctus congue, eros elit dignissim felis, vel egestas quam erat vel lectus. Donec convallis facilisis ligula sed mollis. Aenean convallis commodo nulla id ullamcorper. Before more. [Read more…]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc facilisis elit eu neque imperdiet malesuada. Nulla quis ligula a lacus sollicitudin porta.
This is big government at its finest hour. The Democrats have officially killed a successful private school voucher program banishing more than 3,300 low-income children back to the DC schools they so desperately wanted to escape.