The following are various comments from around the blogosphere posted last night or this morning. The first two regard Virginia’s Attorney General, Ken Cuccinelli, who will file a lawsuit on behalf of Virginian’s the moment the President signs the legislation. Other comments came from progressive or Indy blogs aka former Dem’s. Feel free to post others you run across. This is one of the many reasons I love the blogosphere; people from all stripes can freely speak instantly and anonymously. I don’t know how much longer we will be able to enjoy this freedom so let’s take advantage of it while we still have it. [Read more…]
March 21, 2010
Paul Ryan and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz debate the numbers & abortion fix
Ed Asner for Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth
1137 architectural and engineering professionals and 7530 other supporters includin A&E students have signed the petition demanding of Congress a truly independent investigation. Go here to learn more and to sign the petition Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth [Read more…]
EXCLUSIVE ABC: Plouffe and Rove Battle it out over healthcare reform
Let’s see one evades and hurls ridicule, been there done that, while the other attempts to raise awareness about the facts. I think I’ll go with the guy raising the facts, for once, I actually agree with him. [Read more…]
Fox: Census Answers, Judge Napolitano and Prof Walter Williams inform you of your rights under the US Constitution
Sage advice from two U.S. Constitutional attorneys about the US Census that recently arrived in your mail. [Read more…]
h/t RBO: Politizoid, Obama Care, America's fallen and can't get up
I hope my mom can afford to get one of these. [Read more…]
March 20, 2010
House is in Session 1:02 pm 3/21/10 – Historic vote on healthcare bill
UPDATE: Today from C-SPAN “The House Rules Cme. has cleared the way for the House to take up health care legislation. The committee passed a rule allowing for separate votes on the Senate health care bill and the reconciliation bill. The House is expected to begin the debate later this afternoon.” Watch live
C-SPAN2 Live Stream
C-SPAN2 offers gavel to gavel coverage of the U.S. Senate. C-SPAN2 also offers a balanced variety of public affairs programming when the Senate is in adjournment, including congressional committee hearings, press briefings, newsmaker speeches & public policy discussions. [Read more…]
March 19, 2010
Fox: Cavuto inteviews Levin – Constitutional Crisis if healthcare passes under Slaughter Rule
Constitutional Lawyer Levin hammers Slaughter Rule as Unconstitutional [Read more…]
Gibbs evasive on Slaughter Rule
Geez, I wonder why? What about that transparency thingie Obama ran on? Congress ran on? hhhhmmm [Read more…]
Proud and brave Patriots are flooding the PEOPLE’S chamber this weekend to tell congress NO TO THIS HEALTHCARE BILL! Beautiful Patriot’s are traveling from all across America and The T-Room stands PROUDLY behind all of them. This is our tribute to all patriots who put COUNTRY before OBAMA, COUNTRY before the SOCIALIST’S TAKEOVER, COUNTRY before the corrupt D CORPORATION AND PRIVATE CLUB!
O, America by Celtic Woman
March 18, 2010
Obama called out at healthcare speech
Go Ingrid! What is it about the Buckeyes? They seem to know exactly who they are and unwavering to call this healthcare bill for what it is, a farce!
h/t The John Batchelor Show: PANIC
JHMNU2 [Read more…]
Broken Promises, so many I've lost count
Big tip of the hat to Hot Air for this one and RBO
March 17, 2010
History Channel Documentary: HAARP Weather Warfare Documentary
This morning, I invited one of The T-Room patrons to educate all of us on Chemtrails. I’ve seen this term many times but never looked into it. Today, I found this outstanding History Channel Documentary on how countries like Russia, China, USA and Norway may be manipulating the jet stream through Tesla’s groundbreaking research in the late 1800’s. This is a must see documentary which provides empirical peer reviewed science on how Tesla’s work is being used to possibly create droughts, earthquakes, downpours, hurricanes and lightning. It’s quite the eye opener.
RT Broadcasting: Bomb, bomb Iran? US in 'same build-up to war as to Iraq invasion'
Obamacare-the Devil is in the detail
NOTE: If you are searching for the recent post on Viriginia’s Freedom of Information please go to the Opinion Archives.
UPDATE X3: h/t CitizenWells
UPDATE X2: h/t to T-Room poster Prairie
The Rules Committee will meet on Saturday to set the rules for debate. Following the letter of the 72-hour rule would mean no vote before late Sunday, but Democrats have allowed themselves an out. “The Democratic leadership has declared ‘martial law,'” reports, “allowing leaders to bring legislation straight to the floor on the same legislative day.” That could mean a vote as early as Saturday, with a floor debate of just four hours. The public and members of Congress would have only 48 hours or even less to examine the bill.
Wall Street Journal – John Fund, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Vote, Don’t Debate”
UPDATE: h/t Citizen Wells poster Prairie
Senate Republican’s send strong message to House Republican’s teetering b/w yes and no vote
Without a Vote???
March 16, 2010
Too funny: Pjtv – Politizoid – Obamafeld
I have nothing to add. Funny, funny, funny! [Read more…]
March 14, 2010
Virginia's State Seal: Obverse-Sic Semper Tyrannis/Reverse, Perservando!
UPDATE at the bottom of the post
Thus Always to Tyrants /Persevering
Virginia’s Founding Fathers officially adopted the state seal on July 5, 1776. On the obverse side they chose Sic Semper Tyrannis out of admiration for the Roman Republic which triumphed over tyranny or rule by one thus, illustrating Virginia would be a government for and by the people. The reverse side highlights the gifts a democratic republic enjoys which are the blessings of freedom and peace as represented by the three Roman Goddesses Libertas, Ceres and Aeternitas.
Since Sunday afternoon of last week, Virginia’s State Seal has stared back at me everywhere I walked on the Capitol grounds. Never before had I bothered to learn what our Founding Father’s intent was behind this great seal. So I took some time to learn its history, and more importantly, its meaning yesterday afternoon. As always seems to be the case, I found myself in awe by the bounty of gifts these forward-thinking men gave all of us nearly 234 years ago. Today, however, I fear some who are honored by the voters to represent us at the statehouse may be losing sight of the privilege we bestow upon them every two or four years, and it pains me greatly to have witnessed their tawdry behavior toward the people this week. [Read more…]
Hot Air: The Movie
The T-Room does not endorse candidates, yet, but … [Read more…]