Click here Real Zionist News Brother Nathaniel always has interesting news and information on the Zionist infiltrator’s wielding power in the halls of Congress.
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Click here Real Zionist News Brother Nathaniel always has interesting news and information on the Zionist infiltrator’s wielding power in the halls of Congress.
Part 1 (Part 2 is below the fold)
UPDATE 12, 12/20 – Emails to Sen. Warner and Sen. Webb –
Feds order farmer to destroy his own wheat crops: The shocking revelations of Wickard vs Filburn
Senator Warner –
I’ve known you, Sen. Warner, since the days back in Lynchburg, where you were chumming votes for your first senatorial run against the other Warner. I’ve trusted you, Sir. I’ve been to your Pig Roasts, I supported your work as Governor, and now I am expecting absolutely nothing less from you, Sir, of doing what YOU know is right for America. I will know by your votes where your loyalties lie, sir, and I can only trust that YOU will do what is right to protect our First Amendment, private property rights and our ability to grow our own damned food!
I ask you Sir to VOTE Nay on the following bills before you –
1. FCC – NET NEUTRALITY – Give the Communist administration the middle finger, sir. Vote Nay!!! on anything remotely shutting down the people’s rights under the First Amendment. You, Sir, made your millions due to freedom aka capitalism and why one, especially you, sir, would ever vote Yay for this power grab is beyond me. Make my day and VOTE NAY!
2. Vote an absolute “NO” on H.R. 2751 & FDA Food Safety Modernization Act – you and I both know, sir, this bill, as is, screws the local farmer. I expect nothing less than a definitive NO! Yeah, I know the Farm Bureau wasn’t at the table in 2004, but I was, and I then and now absolutely represent the small farmer. Therefore, sir, I expect nothing less than a NAY!!!
3. Vote Nay on the Start Treaty! What the hell are you all debating this now for anyway?!? Good grief, give us all a break and vote Nay. Bring it back up in the winter or spring session. Fine. And let’s have a true debate on the pros and cons. Don’t let Brzezenski strong arm you, Sir. Vote No!!! Show your own strength!
Whether the T-Room blog survives this mess is one story, but sir, I can assure you that we are prepared to morph into a secondary vehicle to make sure ALL VIRGINIANS KNOW HOW YOU and Sen. Webb voted during this most dispicable spectacle that you critters call governing. Pandering is not governing. We, the people of Virginia, sent you and Sen. Webb to GOVERN!
Helen Tansey
The T-Room
To: Sen. James Webb
Dear Sen. Webb,
The correspondence below was just sent to Sen. Mark Warner. I wish to forward it to your attention, Sir, and I request a true reply explaining to ME, Sir, how and why you voted the way you chose too on the below bills.
You see, Sir, I know you are on the short list to replace Gates. I am watching your votes, sir, especially on the Start Treaty b/c that vote WILL tell me and the rest of Virginia’s voters all we need to know as to where your loyalty lies.
Helen Tansey’s email to Sen. Mark Warner begins –
I’ve known you, Sen. Warner, since the days back in Lynchburg, where you were chumming votes for your first senatorial run against the other Warner. I’ve trusted you, Sir. I’ve been to your Pig Roasts, I supported your work as Governor, and now I am expecting absolutely nothing less from you, Sir, of doing what YOU know is right for America. I will know by your votes where your loyalties lie, sir, and I can only trust that YOU will do what is right to protect our First Amendment, private property rights and our ability to grow our own damned food!
I ask you Sir to VOTE Nay on the following bills before you –
1. FCC – NET NEUTRALITY – Give the Communist administration the middle finger, sir. Vote Nay!!! on anything remotely shutting down the people’s rights under the First Amendment. You, Sir, made your millions due to freedom aka capitalism and why one, especially you, sir, would ever vote Yay for this power grab is beyond me. Make my day and VOTE NAY!
2. Vote an absolute “NO” on H.R. 2751 & FDA Food Safety Modernization Act – you and I both know, sir, this bill, as is, screws the local farmer. I expect nothing less than a definitive NO! Yeah, I know the Farm Bureau wasn’t at the table in 2004, but I was, and I then and now absolutely represent the small farmer. Therefore, sir, I expect nothing less than a NAY!!!
3. Vote Nay on the Start Treaty! What the hell are you all debating this now for anyway?!? Good grief, give us all a break and vote Nay. Bring it back up in the winter or spring session. Fine. And let’s have a true debate on the pros and cons. Don’t let Brzezenski strong arm you, Sir. Vote No!!! Show your own strength!
Whether the T-Room blog survives this mess is one story, but sir, I can assure you that we are prepared to morph into a secondary vehicle to make sure ALL VIRGINIANS KNOW HOW YOU and Sen. Webb voted during this most dispicable spectacle that you critters call governing. Pandering is not governing. We, the people of Virginia, sent you and Sen. Webb to GOVERN!
Helen Tansey
The T-Room [Read more…]
Yowza! What passion. What an incredible vocabulary. What a shining star. And he didn’t even use a teleprompter…
No wonder Secretary Clinton announced last week she will not seek out any public role in the future. I get it now. Do you?
By: Sherrie – Reposted with permission…
Sherrie Questioning All
UPDATED 12/3/10 – VIDEO CLIPS OF INTERVIEW – AT BOTTOM and in an individual post here.
I have been very hesitant about releasing what happened to me regarding Child Protective Services. But after discussing this with Dave Hodges, from the Commonsense Radio Show on Republic Broadcasting, he said I need to get this information out to the public.
Imagine that, the people demanding the crooks who got the EU into their financial mess, and I might add benefitted, are rising up and saying “you got us into this mess you get us out with your own damned money”. Three cheers to our brothers and sisters across the pond. Bravo!!!
Questionnaire and more info can be found by clicking HERE.
Assange refused bail in London
CON Plan 3502 PowerPoint Presentation Reveals Secret Plan for Domestic Military Crackdown – Here’s the PowerPoint Presentation put together by Look’s like earthquakes will be just one of the triggers for domestic upheavel.
Watch the video on earthquakes over at FemaleFaust … think Tesla and HAARP…btw, tried to embed the training video and could not get a decent code.
By Jeff Gates
For those who think the U.S. is broke, think again. It’s far more serious than that.
To renew Bush-era tax cuts for our most well-to-do 2% would reduce U.S. government revenues by $700 billion over the decade. That shortfall will need to be borrowed.
Or we could provide college scholarships to 14 million U.S. high school students. Or tuition, room and board for about half of today’s college students.
$700 billion is also the interest expense on the $3 trillion that the U.S. is projected to borrow to fund the long-term costs of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Of that interest paid to individuals, care to guess what portion finds its way to the topmost 2%? [Read more…]
Sad, our mainstream media nor any government official, have bothered themselves to tell us investors about this, but instead takes two cartoon bears to educate us.
Another great place is Buy Gold & Silver Safely . Doug, the owner of this website, is a great teacher AND plays no games. He’s a straight shooter whose goal is to help us sheeple sleep better at night. Check him out! Promise you won’t be sorry.
Tonight’s Conspiracy Theory to expose toxins in water, population control motives and water privatization schemes worldwide; Premieres FRIDAY, DEC. 3 AT 10 PM EST/ 9 PM CST
Aaron Dykes
December 3, 2010
As producer Michael Braverman announced yesterday, what was once an episode just dealing with schemes to profit off the Great Lakes has now expanded into a startling exposé of the dangerous toxins being added to our water by design. Now known as the “Worldwide Water Conspiracy,” tonight’s episode of Conspiracy Theory with Gov. Jesse Ventura will take on water privatization, false scarcity profit schemes, the effects of fluoride, lithium and uranium in drinking water and much more. “WORLDWIDE WATER CONSPIRACY” PREMIERES TONIGHT, FRIDAY DEC. 3 AT 10 PM EST / 9 PM CST.
Scarcity, perceived or real, drives the value of commodities, and many people say water is the next oil. The Great Lakes consist of more than 20% of Earth’s surface fresh water, but the levels are dropping. Some streams and groundwater sources have already dried up, and a shortage of clean drinking water could prove to be one of the 21st Century’s greatest bubbles. [Read more…]