Populating this new format from scratch took a wee bit more time than we thought, but we gotter done! Hope you like the new format. We’ve wanted to move toward aggregating for some time now, but didn’t want to do until we felt ready. We’re ready.
Feel free to post or send us links to stories, primarily stories written by alternative news folks, although we will post links from corporate media from time to time. But The T-Room’s primary goal is to turn you, the alt news reader, onto news sites that deliver solid, factually based, first sourced material so you can put those critical thinking skills to work. We don’t know about you but we find it rather condescending to our intellect when corporate media either regurgitates first source material and/or when they simply take a press release distributed by XYZ and try to make it their own. We call that ‘babble’ journalism.
Our goal is to turn the masses onto to solid journalism and as we all know that is happening more and more by independent writers. Help us give them the support they need…send or post links!
We’re ready to roll…