On Friday August, 12th Pixel Patriot hosted a Skype conference with ex-CIA espionage officer Kent Clizbe, Carl Swensson, Chairman of the Clayton County GOP and Arnie Rosner. Constitutional attorney Mario Apuzzo was scheduled to join in on the call but was unable to attend. The discussion centered around candidate eligibility and the vetting process. Mr. Clizbe agreed that Barack Obama was not vetted in 2008. He explained how there needs to be an “apparatus” in place at the state level to ensure candidates are scrutinized before being placed on the ballot.
In my [Birther Report dot com] previous report here, I show how the Federal form SF86 – “Questionnaire for National Security Positions” is used for vetting employees for obtaining a security clearance and how a recent DOD court decision in a case brought before the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals:
“The burden of disproving a mitigating condition never shifts to the Government.”
Mr. Clizbe indicated that the SF86 form could be used as a candidate application form whereby the vetting process will “out” a candidate with dual allegiances. Barack Obama has shown that the honor system can be dishonored . Therefore, measures need to be taken to prevent what John Jay predicted in his letter to George Washington on 25th July, 1787:
Dear Sir,
Permit me to hint whether it would not be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of foreigners into the administration of our national government ; and to declare expressly that the command in chief of the American army shall not be given to, nor devolve on any but a natural born citizen.
The founders obviously knew foreign influence on the President of the United States and Commander in Chief should be protected against at all cost and that is why they specifically required Presidential eligibility to be limited to a natural born citizen and had the requirement in Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution.
Mr. Clizbe has previously said that “the consequences of “faulty vetting” is so serious it can be devastating, even “deadly”.
Mr.Clizbe recently uncovered a Republican nominated for the House of Delegates in Virginia’s 87th district who is being allowed to subvert the vetting process just as Obama did and Clizbe says it is needed to prevent infiltration of foreign influence in local and state politics as well. Imad “David” Ramadan’s first wife, Ghanda Abdul Rahman Zoghbi is Lebanese and the daughter of Lebanese Army General Abdul Rahman Zoghbi. General Zoghbi, now retired was a Shia member of the General Security Service (GSS).
Our military unequivocally recognizes the threat from foreign influence. In this analysis drafted for the Army Command in 2007, the author William E. Stebbins, Jr. correlates an exclusivity that Islamic states require for their leaders just as in the U.S., the presidency is limited to natural born citizens:
“The CDHRI declared that “[a]ll human beings are Allah’s subjects, and the most loved by Him are those who are most beneficial to His subjects, and no one has superiority over another except on the basis of piety and good deeds.” (Italics added.) 46 In other words, there is superiority among human beings commensurate with demonstration of Islamic piety and performance of good deeds. This accords perfectly with our previous analysis of who may rule Islamic nations: only believers faithfully abiding by the Qur’an. In the U.S., the presidency is limited to natural born citizens. In the Islamic state, being a natural born citizen is not enough—one must also be a believer in good standing in the “official” state religion. This exclusivity is thus mirrored in the CDHRI which explicitly acknowledges a belief in superiority among human beings commensurate with Islamic piety.”
REPORT DATE 21-05-2007
Fighting Islamic Terrorists with Democracy:
A Critique
A Monograph
by William E. Stebbins, Jr.
United States Army
School of Advanced Military Studies
United States Army Command and General Staff College
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas
If you would like to see candidates vetted for the 2012 election, contact your representatives and insist they pass an eligibility bill. If you can attend the Pitchfork Rally in Georgia on Monday August 15th, Carl Swensson is trying to get the issue before the Legislators in GA and supporters can show up en masse at the State Capitol to let their voice be heard.
Read the rest at BirtherReportdotcom aka obamareleaseyourrecords
Also, to learn more about Kent Clizbe click HERE to read his latest article at NewsMax
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