First Susan Lindauer, former U.S. Intelligence Asset, who covered Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Syria/Hezbollah for a decade spelled out the real reasons the empire wants Qaddafi out –
Then Michael Scheuer, former head of CIA Bin Laden Unit, brought it home on CNN Sunday night ending his 10 minute interview with ‘You’re Just Carrying the Water for Mr. Obama’ to the anchor. Ouch! What’s that old saying about the truth hurts!
Refreshing! Between these stunningly truthful interviews, we now know the real reason the empire opened up a fourth military front – OIL! Plain and simple. This is what our treasure is fighting for.
Now we learn American taxpayer’s are spending $4 Million a day on the Air Force in Libya – this doesn’t include the Tomahawk Missiles we’ve already launched to protect the people of Libya at a cost of roughly $569,000 per missile.
Air Force spending $4 million a day for Libya war
WASHINGTON – The Air Force secretary says the service has been spending about $4 million a day to keep 50 fighter jets and nearly 40 support aircraft in the Libya conflict, including the cost of munitions.
Secretary Michael Donley tells reporters that the Air Force has spent $75 million as of Tuesday morning on the war. He says the U.S. decision to end its combat strike role in the conflict will cut costs, but he could not say by how much.
He says the Air Force has spent close to $50 million on the relief effort for the Japan earthquake, including $40 million to evacuate between 5,000-6,000 U.S. personnel.
The total U.S. costs for the Libya air campaign as of March 28 were $550 million, not counting normal deployment spending.
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