UPDATE 12, 12/20 – Emails to Sen. Warner and Sen. Webb –
Feds order farmer to destroy his own wheat crops: The shocking revelations of Wickard vs Filburn
Senator Warner –
I’ve known you, Sen. Warner, since the days back in Lynchburg, where you were chumming votes for your first senatorial run against the other Warner. I’ve trusted you, Sir. I’ve been to your Pig Roasts, I supported your work as Governor, and now I am expecting absolutely nothing less from you, Sir, of doing what YOU know is right for America. I will know by your votes where your loyalties lie, sir, and I can only trust that YOU will do what is right to protect our First Amendment, private property rights and our ability to grow our own damned food!
I ask you Sir to VOTE Nay on the following bills before you –
1. FCC – NET NEUTRALITY – Give the Communist administration the middle finger, sir. Vote Nay!!! on anything remotely shutting down the people’s rights under the First Amendment. You, Sir, made your millions due to freedom aka capitalism and why one, especially you, sir, would ever vote Yay for this power grab is beyond me. Make my day and VOTE NAY!
2. Vote an absolute “NO” on H.R. 2751 & FDA Food Safety Modernization Act – you and I both know, sir, this bill, as is, screws the local farmer. I expect nothing less than a definitive NO! Yeah, I know the Farm Bureau wasn’t at the table in 2004, but I was, and I then and now absolutely represent the small farmer. Therefore, sir, I expect nothing less than a NAY!!!
3. Vote Nay on the Start Treaty! What the hell are you all debating this now for anyway?!? Good grief, give us all a break and vote Nay. Bring it back up in the winter or spring session. Fine. And let’s have a true debate on the pros and cons. Don’t let Brzezenski strong arm you, Sir. Vote No!!! Show your own strength!
Whether the T-Room blog survives this mess is one story, but sir, I can assure you that we are prepared to morph into a secondary vehicle to make sure ALL VIRGINIANS KNOW HOW YOU and Sen. Webb voted during this most dispicable spectacle that you critters call governing. Pandering is not governing. We, the people of Virginia, sent you and Sen. Webb to GOVERN!
Helen Tansey
The T-Room
To: Sen. James Webb
Dear Sen. Webb,
The correspondence below was just sent to Sen. Mark Warner. I wish to forward it to your attention, Sir, and I request a true reply explaining to ME, Sir, how and why you voted the way you chose too on the below bills.
You see, Sir, I know you are on the short list to replace Gates. I am watching your votes, sir, especially on the Start Treaty b/c that vote WILL tell me and the rest of Virginia’s voters all we need to know as to where your loyalty lies.
Helen Tansey’s email to Sen. Mark Warner begins –
I’ve known you, Sen. Warner, since the days back in Lynchburg, where you were chumming votes for your first senatorial run against the other Warner. I’ve trusted you, Sir. I’ve been to your Pig Roasts, I supported your work as Governor, and now I am expecting absolutely nothing less from you, Sir, of doing what YOU know is right for America. I will know by your votes where your loyalties lie, sir, and I can only trust that YOU will do what is right to protect our First Amendment, private property rights and our ability to grow our own damned food!
I ask you Sir to VOTE Nay on the following bills before you –
1. FCC – NET NEUTRALITY – Give the Communist administration the middle finger, sir. Vote Nay!!! on anything remotely shutting down the people’s rights under the First Amendment. You, Sir, made your millions due to freedom aka capitalism and why one, especially you, sir, would ever vote Yay for this power grab is beyond me. Make my day and VOTE NAY!
2. Vote an absolute “NO” on H.R. 2751 & FDA Food Safety Modernization Act – you and I both know, sir, this bill, as is, screws the local farmer. I expect nothing less than a definitive NO! Yeah, I know the Farm Bureau wasn’t at the table in 2004, but I was, and I then and now absolutely represent the small farmer. Therefore, sir, I expect nothing less than a NAY!!!
3. Vote Nay on the Start Treaty! What the hell are you all debating this now for anyway?!? Good grief, give us all a break and vote Nay. Bring it back up in the winter or spring session. Fine. And let’s have a true debate on the pros and cons. Don’t let Brzezenski strong arm you, Sir. Vote No!!! Show your own strength!
Whether the T-Room blog survives this mess is one story, but sir, I can assure you that we are prepared to morph into a secondary vehicle to make sure ALL VIRGINIANS KNOW HOW YOU and Sen. Webb voted during this most dispicable spectacle that you critters call governing. Pandering is not governing. We, the people of Virginia, sent you and Sen. Webb to GOVERN!
Helen Tansey
The T-Room
UPDATE11, 12/19 – Everyone could use a bit of encouraging words from Whitney. From the Preacher’s Wife starring Whitney and Denzel.
Btw, I don’t know who the cool cat is on the left of the screen with the shades, but I might suggest replacing him with cool female cat, holsters on and all. Oh, and damn I wish I could dance like these folks…smooth and rockin! Love it!!!
UPDATE X10, 12/19 – Since it is Sunday, I thought the insight shared by a friend of Neal’s at Neal Soapbox would be fitting –
The Story of Joseph…Or Those Who Won’t Learn From History
Posted on December 1, 2010 by neal
This was sent to me by a friend and I thought it worth sharing.
As a child, I attended Sunday School. I distinctly remember being taught the Old Testament story of Joseph (a son of Jacob). I was taught how Joseph had been sold by his brothers into slavery to the Egyptians back about BC 1700; how Joseph correctly interpreted two of the Pharaoh’s dreams to mean that there would be seven wonderful years of plenty, followed by seven terrible years of famine; how Pharaoh made Joseph his second-in-command; how Joseph built granaries during the seven good years to store enough surplus grain to feed the Egyptian people during the subsequent seven bad years of famine. I was taught how Joseph saved the Egyptian people; that he was a great man and an extraordinary blessing to the people of Egypt.
I was much surprised to learn that my Sunday school’s characterization of Joseph was perhaps not true. Joseph, as it turns out, was a diabolical cad who didn’t save the Egyptian people, but rather used his foreknowledge of the coming famine and understanding of economics to subject the formerly free Egyptian people to slavery.
That’s right. Long before the Egyptians enslaved the Hebrews, Joseph, the first Hebrew to enter Egypt, enslaved the Egyptians. So far as I know, Joseph was the world’s first economist; our first “John Maynard Keynes”.
As you’ll read from text in the Bible, Joseph was no hero—quite the opposite. More importantly, the story of Joseph shows that it was understood at least 3,700 years ago how to manipulate an economy so as to enslave an entire nation. And Joseph’s story—openly published to this day in Chapter 47 of Genesis—has been ignored and overlooked by the world, for centuries.
The impact of Joseph’s story and the world’s failure to learn from that story is stunning. Chilling.
Truly, to understand the story of Joseph is to understand “what fools we mortals be”. Joseph’s story may be the quintessential illustration of George Santana’s observation that those who won’t learn from history, are destined to repeat it. In fact, Americans (and even the world) appear to be repeating the story of Joseph, right now.
What follows are excerpts from Genesis, Chapter 47, and my observations:
“And there was no bread in all the land; for the famine was very sore, so that the land of Egypt and all the land of Canaan fainted by reason of the famine. And Joseph gathered up all the money that was found in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, for the corn which they bought: and Joseph brought the money into Pharaoh’s house.” Gen 47:13-14
The seven bad years of famine had begun. But Joseph—contrary to the benign characterization I learned in Sunday school—did not provide free grain to the starving Egyptians. Instead, he sold the grain he’d accumulated during the 7 good years until he “gathered up all the money” and then brought all of it “into Pharaoh’s house”.
Thus, in the first year of the famine, Joseph had 1) cornered the grain market; 2) sold grain to starving Egyptians for such a high price that he collected all of their money (silver); 3) deposited all the money into Pharaoh’s coffers and thereby removed all the money from circulation in the Egyptian economy; and 4) exacerbated the famine by pushing the Egyptian economy into an economic recession and/or depression.
i.e., if the Egyptians still had money in circulation, they might’ve been able to buy grain at better prices from foreign countries. They might’ve been able to work their way through the famine. But without food (grain) or money (silver), their economy collapsed, and they were trapped in the famine, trapped in poverty and absolutely dependent upon and subject to Joseph.
“And when money failed in the land of Egypt . . . all the Egyptians came unto Joseph, and said, Give us bread: for why should we die in thy presence? for the money faileth.” Gen. 47:15
Of course, the “money failed”. Why? Because Joseph had removed it from circulation and cached it away in the “Pharaoh’s house”. By doing so, Joseph caused an economic collapse/depression that, in conjunction with the famine, subjected the Egyptian people to the fear of death by starvation. In that fearful condition, the Egyptian people became more easily enslaved.
The Egyptians understood that their money had “failed” but they apparently regarded this failure some sort of natural but inexplicable anomaly. They did not suspect that their money (and thus economy) had “failed” because Joseph had collected all of their money, removed it from circulation, and deposited that money with Pharaoh.
Coincidentally, our own government removed all the gold money from domestic circulation in A.D. 1933 and all the silver money in A.D. 1968. The vast majority of the modern world’s gold (and much of the silver) has been deposited in the bank vaults of our modern “pharaohs” (governments and central banks). Thus, much like the Egyptians of 3,700 years ago, we too, have no real money in circulation.
Interesting coincidence, hmm
Read the the full story HERE
Go Charlie!!! You nail it, my friend.
Tipping Point: 25 Signs That The Coming Financial Collapse Is
Now Closer Then Ever
From the IntelHub
So will we reach a tipping point soon? Well, the following are 25 signs that the financial collapse is rapidly getting closer….
#1 The official U.S. unemployment rate has not been beneath 9 percent since April 2009.
#2 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are currently 6.3 million vacant homes in the United States that are either for sale or for rent.
#3 It is being projected that the U.S. trade deficit with China could hit 270 billion dollars for the entire year of 2010.
#4 Back in 2000, 7.2 percent of blue collar workers were either unemployed or underemployed. Today that figure is up to 19.5 percent.
#5 The Chinese government has accumulated approximately $2.65 trillion in total foreign exchange reserves. They have drained this wealth from the economies of other nations (such as the United States) and instead of reinvesting all of it they are just sitting on much of it. This is creating tremendous imbalances in the global economy.
#6 Since the year 2000, we have lost 10% of our middle class jobs. In the year 2000 there were approximately 72 million middle class jobs in the United States but today there are only about 65 million middle class jobs.
#7 The United States now employs about the same number of people in manufacturing as it did back in 1940. Considering the fact that we had 132 million people living in this country in 1940 and that we have well over 300 million people living in this country today, that is a very sobering statistic.
#8 According to CoreLogic, U.S. housing prices have now declined for three months in a row.
#9 The average rate on a 30 year fixed rate mortgage soared 11 basis points just this past week. As mortgage rates continue to push higher it is going to make it even more difficult for American families to afford homes.
#10 22.5 percent of all residential mortgages in the United States were in negative equity as of the end of the third quarter of 2010.
#11 The U.S. monetary base has more than doubled since the beginning of the most recent recession.
#12 U.S. Treasury yields have been rising steadily during the 4th quarter of 2010 and recently hit a six-month high.
#13 Incoming governor Jerry Brown is scrambling to find $29 billion more to cut from the California state budget. The following quote from Brown about the desperate condition of California state finances is not going to do much to inspire confidence in California’s financial situation around the globe….
“We’ve been living in fantasy land. It is much worse than I thought. I’m shocked.”
#14 24.3 percent of the residents of El Centro, California are currently unemployed.
#15 The average home in Merced, California has declined in value by 63 percent over the past four years.
#16 Detroit Mayor Dave Bing has come up with a new way to save money. He wants to cut 20 percent of Detroit off from essential social services such as road repairs, police patrols, functioning street lights and garbage collection.
#17 The second most dangerous city in the United States – Camden, New Jersey – is about to lay off about half its police in a desperate attempt to save money.
#18 In 2010, 55 percent of Americans between the ages of 60 and 64 were in the labor market. Ten years ago, that number was just 47 percent. More older Americans than ever find that they have to keep working just to survive.
#19 Back in 1998, the United States had 25 percent of the world’s high-tech export market and China had just 10 percent. Ten years later, the United States had less than 15 percent and China’s share had soared to 20 percent.
#20 The U.S. government budget deficit increased to a whopping $150.4 billion last month, which represented the biggest November budget deficit on record.
#21 The U.S. government is somehow going to have to roll over existing debt and finance new debt that is equivalent to 27.8 percent of GDP in 2011.
#22 The United States had been the leading consumer of energy on the globe for about 100 years, but this past summer China took over the number one spot.
#23 According to an absolutely stunning new poll, 40 percent of all U.S. doctors plan to bail out of the profession over the next three years.
#24 As 2007 began, there were just over 1 million Americans that had been unemployed for half a year or longer. Today, there are over 6 million Americans that have been unemployed for half a year or longer.
#25 All over the United States, local governments have begun instituting “police response fees”. For example, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has come up with a plan under which a fee of $365 would be charged if police are called to respond to an automobile accident where no injuries are involved. If there are injuries as a result of the crash that is going to cost extra.
Read the Full Story HERE
This video says it all!
UPDATE X8: From Raw Story –
Pulitzer-winner, ex-CIA analyst, FBI whistleblower among those arrested outside White House
by David Edwards
As President Barack Obama was unveiling a new report on progress of the war in Afghanistan, a lineup of high-profile dissenters joined in an act of civil disobedience that ended with about 135 demonstrators being arrested outside the White House Thursday afternoon.
The number of arrestees came by way of an attorney for one of the defendants, who spoke to Raw Story.The military’s assessment (.pdf) of the war effort found that while US troops can begin withdrawing as scheduled in July, a military presence will continue until at least 2014.
At the same time the president was speaking, dozens of protesters, organized by Veterans for Peace, lined up along the White House fence in an act of civil disobenience. Many chained or tied themselves to the fence and chanted “End, end, end the occupation. Troops out now!”
Police spent several hours arresting demonstrators, taking photos of each one before placing them into vans.
Notable participants risking arrest included Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the Pentagon Papers, retired 27-year CIA analyst Ray McGovern, FBI whistleblower Colleen Rowley, and Pulitzer-winning former New York Times war correspondent Chris Hedges.
Raw Story was able to confirm the arrests of Ellsberg, McGovern, Rowley and Hedges, along with Veterans for Peace members Elliott Adams, Mike Ferner, Mike Hearington and Leah Bolger.
A full list of those arrested was expected to be released later tonight.
Protesters began gathering Wednesday night at St. Stephen’s Church in Washington, DC. The rally began Thursday at 10 a.m. in Lafayette Park. Several speeches were given on the importance of civil resistance before demonstrators marched single-file to the White House.
A Washington Post-ABC News poll released Thursday showed a record 60 percent of Americans believe the Afghan war is not worth fighting.
This video depicting an anti-war protest outside the White House was published to YouTube on Dec. 16, 2010.
Free Speech wrote ”
This is good news for Lakin. He only got 6 months. Evidently, the Army didn’t want to make a martyr of him. They got what they wanted guilty pleas and an admission that the orders were lawful.
LTC Lakin, convicted on all counts by a general court-martial, has been sentenced.
The sentence is a dismissal, confinement for six months, and forfeiture of all pay and allowances. The dismissal — the only form of punitive discharge authorized for an officer — is generally regarded as equivalent to a dishonorable discharge and cuts off substantially all benefits incident to military service. If approved by the convening authority, it will entitle LTC Lakin to automatic review of his case by the Army Court of Criminal Appeals. He can waive that review, but such waivers are relatively rare. Unless the convening authority grants a deferment of confinement, LTC Lakin will start his sentence today.
Colonel Sullivan reports that there was no reaction from LTC Lakin or from the half-dozen or so birthers remaining in the spectators’ gallery. The military judge thanked the members for their service, and excused them. The courtroom was then cleared to allow LTC Lakin privacy.
UPDATE X6: Summary, albeit snarky, from a Col Sullivan anti-Lakin blog states the following (pay special attention to the Col’s snark in paranthesis). He appears to be a real man’s man. NOT!
This snippet posted below was published by Col. Sullivan from the CAAFlog blog(anti-Lakin). I’m very surprised Col. Sullivan was able to keep his ridicule of LTC Lakin down to a minimal in his latest writings on LTC Lakin’s court-martial. What this blog shows is that there are real concerns about Obama’s constitutional eligibility to be CiC all the way up the chain-of-command. I can’t wait until the official trial transcripts are released.
LTC Lakin Snippet via CAAFlog; LTC Lakin continued that he became the chief of primary care at the Pentagon’s clinic in July 2009. Mr. Puckett then observed that the purpose of the hearing was for the members to determine an appropriate sentence. He then discussed the origins of LTC Lakin’s offenses.He testified that he started to have concerns about the Constitution during the primary elections, when he was stationed at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. He learned that there was controversy as to the natural-born-citizen status of both major political parties’ general election candidates. He said Senator McCain provided everything he could to address his status, including a birth certificate with the doctor’s name and hospital’s name. He compared that with the lack of scrutiny that Senator Obama received. He had questions about the image of a certificate of live birth on the Internet and relatives stating they were present at his birth in Kenya. He said he had an open mind, but he was skeptical. One candidate went through scrutiny, but there was a lack of information as to the other.
Mr. Puckett pressed, “Why were you so interested in this?” I think he expected the answer to be because of the oath of office, but LTC Lakin instead gave an answer about reading newspapers. LTC Lakin testified that after the election, he became “extremely concerned.” He said the issue wasn’t about politics or anything else (probably an implicit denial of racism) but the Supreme Law of the Land. He stated that he “wanted a valid Commander-in-Chief.” He testified that after the election, he was no longer comfortable with being selected for deployment. He was “concerned that the Constitution wasn’t being followed.” He believes his “oath as an officer is to protect and defend the Constitution.” He believed questions about the President’s eligibility “may weaken the Constitution.” He said he doesn’t know if the President is ineligible and he doesn’t believe that anyone can know.
Neal Puckett asked, “What did you do as a soldier.” LTC Lakin said his “sought out advice” from his command and from his friends. He contacted legal assistance at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, who said they would research the issue and get back to him, but then they would never return his calls. He talked to his commander and supervisor who said there was an issue and there were questions, but they did not know what to do to answer them. He then filed an Article 138 complaint. He was asking, “Please, someone in my command, tell me there’s not an issue about illegal orders.” He submitted the Article 138 complaint to his company commander and asked him to forward it. The reply he received back was that his Article 138 complaint was deficient, so the Army didn’t have to answer it.
LTC Lakin then wrote letters to his two Senators and Congressman. One Senator didn’t reply. One said the issue had been raised “and Twittered about and been found not to be an issue.” His Congressman forwarded his letter to Military Affairs.
He continued to “pursue what else I could do.” When he was transferred to the Pentagon, he raised the issue with his clinic’s commander. He “acknowledged concern” but had no guidance as to what to do. LTC Lakin then submitted another Article 138 complaint, this one routed through General Casey. (BTW, it would later come out that he was referred to Paul Rolf Jensen while he was at Aberdeen Providing Ground, so it seems likely that he was working with Mr. Jensen at the time he filed this Article 138 complaint.) The response he received back was that General Casey wasn’t in his chain of command, so his Article 138 complaint wouldn’t be addressed.
LTC Lakin then became aware he was “on the short-list for deployment. This greatly concerned me.” He went to Capitol Hill for face-to-face meetings with one Congressman and high-level staffers. He was told that the issue was a concern, but the media ridiculed it, so they let it go.
He was advised to go to Afghanistan and then raise the issue while he was on deployment. He considered this a “worse” option. He said it would be “extremely wrong to raise this in a combat zone.”
Mr. Puckett asked, “You thought if the Commander-in-Chief wasn’t eligible, you thought your deployment order might retroactively be considered an illegal order.” LTC Lakin agreed.
Mr. Puckett asked when LTC Lakin first sought the advice of an attorney. He answered that it was two-and-a-half years ago. He was the leader of an intermediate level school small group. There were JAGs in the group. He discussed his concerns with the JAGs and asked what he should do. One of the JAGs referred him to Paul Jensen and LTC Lakin called him. He said he “ultimately hired” Mr. Jensen.
He then testified about receiving his deployment orders. At the bottom of the orders, it said he had to bring a copy of his birth certificate. He said, “I thought, there’s an issue here.” That was followed first by laughter from the birthers in the audience, and then by applause, bring another sharp, “Members of the gallery!” from Judge Lind.
He said that in March 2010, he turned to Mr. Jensen for legal advice. When asked about Mr. Jensen’s advice, LTC Lakin replied, “There’s a Kenyan birth certificate.” He said that on Mr. Jensen’s advice, he decided not to deploy. Mr. Puckett then asked, “Who made the decision to say to your command, ‘I’ll deploy if the President shows he’s eligible?’” LTC Lakin said he did. Mr. Puckett asked, “Whose fault was it?” LTC Lakin replied, “Mine.” Mr. Puckett asked, “Whose responsibility was it?” LTC Lakin answered, “Mine.” Mr. Puckett elicited LTC Lakin’s response that he didn’t think his orders were illegal, but he “still thought there was a constitutional issue.”
He agreed with Mr. Puckett that he used his deployment orders as a vehicle to increase the level of attention that the issue would receive. He confirmed that there were “lots of people urging you to stick to your guns.” In a reply likely to hurt him with the members, he answered: “Yes, including enlisted members and officer members.” -Full blog here. More from Col. Sullivan here and here.
UPDATE X5: Another fabulous post from Lew Rockwell’s site. Here’s a snippet –
Apart from revealing the shocking degree to which the state has used the excuse of 9/11 to wage “war” on the American public by picking its pockets and destroying its liberties, Homeland Security Scams also provides definitive proof that the conservative movement no longer has any interest whatsoever in limited government — if it ever did. “The Heritage Beltway Right has gone over almost completely to the statist side,” Professor Bennett laments in his concluding chapter.
Frankly, I’m not so sure they were not always on that side. After all, it was “Mr. Conservative,” William F. Buckley, Jr., who announced in the 1950s, shortly after the founding of National Review, that what was needed to fight the Cold War was a “totalitarian bureaucracy within our shores” complete with high taxes, a giant military-industrial complex, expansive powers granted to the CIA and FBI, and the subsequent loss of freedoms that all of that would entail. With the exception of a dozen or so libertarians who influenced parts of the Reagan administration in its first two years (after which they became irrelevant), this statist vision has been the defining characteristic of “conservatism” in America for at least the past half century.
Read the full article HERE
And for those who missed watching this outstanding, factually based, documentary b/c you were too busy watching Survivor or Danicing w/the Stars, the T-Room invites you to bother yourself to watch 9/11: Press for Truth. Who knows, you might learn how you and I are being screwed day after day after day…
Ahhhh, but no operation is complete without an inner cabal hellbent on destroying American’s freedoms. Enter 41, Wolfowitz, Perle, Rumsfeld and Cheney – Truthout.org did amazing work exposing The Project for a New American Century aka a NEW WORLD ORDER for those of us American’s intent on learning what the hell was going on following 9/11. This site is where I first learned about this cabal and their devilish plan. Fast forward to today where the Axis of Logic blogsite released the documentary “Project for a New American Century – PNAC EXPOSED”
You see once you’ve watched Project for a New American Century – PNAC EXPOSED and after watching 9/11: Press for Truth, plus all of the other links in this one thread, and there will be more, you too will begin to see how America fundamentally changed on that fateful day in 1963.
Here is Part 1 of 10, however, if you wish to watch the entire film rather than in10/10 minute parts, click HERE scroll to the last video in the thread and click and watch the full film.
UPDATE X4: Fabulous, fabulous opinion from Activist Post, here’s a snippet
No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it.”
Dees Illustration Marti Oakley, Contributing Writer
Activist PostWashington D.C., known more these days as the “district of criminals” commits so many crimes each day as a collective body that a moratorium on government should be declared until we can clean this nest of globalists, these kissers of corporate butts who seem more determined to protect their own private interests than protecting our country from obliteration by global cabals.
As congress moves forward with plans to end our sovereignty, as they collude with foreign interests to take our jobs, to destroy our culture and to subject us to international laws and agreements harmful to us as a nation, we need to remember who we are. We are not globalists; we are Americans. We are not “citizens” of some new world… We are not a collection of mindlessly identified numbers and codes, biometric identifiers, or mindless sheep that don’t understand what is being done to our nation.
We are the greatest society to have ever existed. WE ARE AMERICANS.
UPDATE X3: Eyewitness account from inside the Courtroom – Standing with Lt. Col. Lakin
UPDATE X2: This just in from today’s Court Martial hearing of Lt. Col. Lakin
LT Col Terry Lakin Court-Martial Live Coverage *Update*
Dear Listeners,
We are attending the LT Col Terry Lakin trial at the Fort Meade army base. We regret we are unable to file a report today because we are not allowed to bring cameras and recording devices into the courtroom. Lt Col Terry Lakin did plead guilty to a minor charge regarding disobeying a direct chain of command order. We met with Dr. Orly Taitz, famed birther attorney, Maureen Dowd of the NY Times, and a reporter from World Net Daily. A full report of today’s proceedings will be filed tomorrow promptly on the Manning Report at 3pm EST. After which, each day’s proceedings will be filed the day of the event.
(www.AtlahMediaNetwork.org) http://atlahmedianetwork.org/?page_id=65
UPDATE X1: Dear AMERICAN brother’s and sister’s, The T-Room has been educating you for months and months about this coming financial implosion. Take a look at this from ShadowStats.com Economist John Williams –
The T-Room will be adding to this post information, rather than post new articles, all American’s need to know and prepare for. Check back daily for updates from here on out. Peace and Blessings to all AMERICAN’S
(Pump up the volume – Pink Floyd, Money – hint – scroll rather than mouse down to listen to Pink Floyd)
Best quote of the day, the week, hell, the month –
“According to recovery.gov, the President’s website designed to track the stimulus plan, the $800 Billion plus porkulous bill passed in February 2009 is responsible for 3,348,813 jobs. According to a new analysis conducted by the San Fransisco office of the Federal Reserve, the president’s projection is off by only 3,348,813 jobs. That’s correct The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 created exactly zero permanent jobs.
Read more at Yid w/a Lid
Tell me, how many times does one need to be lied to by our political establisment before WE say “NO MORE LIES!” Once again, as Yid points out, WE AMERICAN’S have been lied too. Please tell me you too are tired of the lies. Tell me you’ve had enough. If not, how friggin low has your threshhold for lies become? Think about it.
For me, I’m tired of learning the truth behind all of the lies I’ve been spoon fed over my lifetime.
I’m the ripe young age of 50 and during my life span I’ve been told so many countless lies I lost track long ago.
Here are just a few lies – I should fear my black brother and sister because they want to do me and my family harm. BULLSHIT! Have you watched your local news lately? I’ve been told the attack on Pearl Harbor wasn’t known by our government. BULLSHIT! I’ve been told the USS Liberty was never fired upon by an ally. BULLSHIT! I’ve been told WWII was fought to free the Jews from persecution and America was innocent. BULLSHIT! I’ve been told a magical bullet murdered President John F. Kennedy. BULLSHIT! I’ve been told Martin Luther King died by a lone assasin. BULLSHIT! I’ve been told John Jr died due to pilot error. BULLSHIT! I’ve been told Democrat’s work for the people and Republican’s work for corporate. BULLSHIT – both work for corporate NEITHER WORK FOR YOU OR ME. I’ve been told Roe v Wade is about a woman’s right to choose. BULLSHIT Genocide anyone. And now I’m being told the fool occupying the White House is legal. Double, triple, quadruple BULLSHIT! And don’t even let me get started on all of the wars we’ve engaged in or the real truth behind 911. ALL LIES!!!
Tired of the lies…tired…so damned tired. And DAMNED TIRED OF YOU AMERICAN’S IN LEADERSHIP WHO TELL WE AMERICAN’S TO OUR FACE YOU CARE ABOUT OUR HOMELAND AND HER PEOPLE who know the truth yet keep your traps shut. You got your damned selves into the mess now do us all a favor and get yourselves out by telling ALL AMERICANS THE TRUTH! Humility is a beautiful thing.
Sadly, we the people can’t rely on our leaders anymore because they’ve all drunk from the same greedy trough. All of them – local, state and federal.
So it’s up to us…the intentionally “fractured” people of this great nation, to climb “TOGETHER” TO THE mountain top and beat the criminal thugs who are intent on destroying our homeland down.
To get there, WE MUST remove the false barriers intentionally placed to separate WE AMERICAN’S from one another. Together, WE MUST trash that “Political Correct” crap that keeps all of us AMERICAN’S divided. It’s time to free OUR collective minds from the propaganda of yore. The old worn out crappola of somehow one sect of people are the chosen while the rest must serve. Get over your candyass self. No such thing. And I don’t care what MAN wrote such words thousands of years ago. Bunk! Bunk! Bunk!
The “information” war being waged upon ALL AMERICAN’S – Christian’s, Jew’s, Muslim’s, Bhuddist’s, to name a few, ain’t about you and me, personally, it’s about POWER OVER ALL OF US -BLACK, WHITE, PURPLE, RED OR GREEN!
Stop taking it personally and join AMERICAN’S who have had enough of being ruled by the cowardly Oz who hides behind the BLACK CURTAIN in Rome, London and DC. It’s time we get our own Toto and rip that curtain back and show the world the monsters behind it…together…in unity as responsible and PROUD AMERICAN’S.
Never forget, liberty is why our grandmother’s and father’s, great grandma’s and pa’s and current mom’s and dad’s fled to America. We as a nation have served as a beacon of real hope and liberty to those who made it to our shores seeking safety and a comforting arm. Why on earth would we AMERICAN’S who benefitted from such sacrifice by our own family members not wish for this gift to be passed onto future victims escaping tyranny or rule by despots? Why would WE now turn away and not fight for what our own damned mothers, fathers, uncles, brothers and sisters fought for?
It’s time, all of my brothers and sisters, to come together as a nation of PROUD PEOPLE WHO LOVE LIBERTY and WANT SUCH LIBERTY FOR ALL PEOPLE…WORLDWIDE…FOREVER!!!
It’s time we show honor to the multitude of sacrifices our brave family member’s who dared to leave their homeland to come here, to America, to give you and me a life of freedom. Honor their journey, their sacrifice and their deep love for you by removing these false barriers and stand UNITED with your ENTIRE American family.
Finally, it’s time to honor all of you military Mom’s and Dad’s who are the true backbone of America. You have given so much to keep all of us living under a flag that stands for freedom, honor and valor. Thank you, The T-Room and all of her posters and lurker’s salute you and your children – it’s time WE THE PEOPLE SHOW YOU and YOUR BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTERS AND SONS OUR GRATITUDE, OUR FIGHT AND OUR SPIRIT!
Take part in the following upcoming events that have not been infiltrated by the neocons or the commies – How you, as a proud and united American, can fight for our freedom.
COUNTDOWN to Lt. Col Lakin’s Court Martial – Hearing is Dec 14 – 15, Ft. Meade, Maryland
“This week, the American Patriot Foundation heard from a retired Navy SEAL, shocked by the stunning decision by a civilian court in which a terrorist suspect/detainee was convicted on only ONE count of 249 criminal charges: “Let me see if I understand this, Col. Lakin can get a more severe punishment that Ahmed Ghailani?”
Bother yourself to learn what Terry is doing for you and me in the fight for freedom, and go to Ft. Meade and show your support – click here for details about the hearing.
Click here Take a Stand for Peace –
Join the largest U.S. veteran-led civil resistance to war December 16.
Rally at Lafayette Park, Washington, D.C., at 10 am
March to the White House for civil resistance
Click on Turn up the heat and join as at our Siege of DC –
On January 21, 2011 the FIGHT BEGINS!
This post is dedicated to my Dad, my Uncles, OldSalt and SueK – God bless you all
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