On February 26, 2010, The T-Room Opinion section lead with “Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth hold EXPLOSIVE Press Conference“. Until we watched this press conference, researched numerous studies and reports, reviewed film footage, watched eyewitness accounts and read hundreds of articles and the official account of the 9/11 tragedy, The T-Room had never taken a position on whether it was an inside job aka a false flag event or happened the way the Bush/Cheney administration told us. Well, once one takes the time to research it all you will arrive at the same place we have. Alfred Lambremont Webre, Seattle Examiner, certainly spoke for us in his April 4, 2010 article “U.S Attorney or district attorney can prosecute Bush, Cheney & Rumsfelf for murder on 9/11“.
He stated the following:
In 2008, former Los Angeles assistant District Attorney and author Vincent Bugliosi presented the legal framework for the prosecution of former George W. Bush for murder in having intentionally misled the U.S. Congress in taking the U.S. to war in Iraq. This reporter, Alfred Lambremont Webre, has successfully presented the legal framework for the prosecution of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld for murder for having knowingly engaged in command and control operations in the false flag operation of 9/11 that intentionally led to the deaths of approximately 2830 innocent civilians and emergency responders at or around the World Trade Center.
In Memo to U.S. Congress: prima facie evidence that Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld committed treason on 9/11, Examiner.com reported how a Memorandum to the U.S. Congress presented to then incoming Chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, Rep. John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich), following the November 2006 mid-term elections sets out prima facie evidence for the appointment of an independent prosecutor to prosecute then U.S. President George W. Bush, Vice President Richard B. Cheney, and Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld and numerous Jane and John Does for treason under Article III (3) of the U.S. Constitution for acts committed on September 11, 2001. (emphasis added)
Folks, it’s 2010 and nothing, nothing, nothing has been done by our elected Congressional representatives, Republican and/or Democrat, since Goddess Pelosi picked up the gavel to serve as Speaker of the House. Not one investigation has proceeded since 2006 to investigate the criminal cabal that made up the Executive Cabinet of the Bush Administration. Not one. Why? That’s all the D’s talked about leading up to the 2006 congressional takeover! Hello? Goddess Pelosi vowed transparency and accountability. Why the silence, folks? Why aren’t Democrat’s holding their Party accountable? What’s wrong? Explain yourself. Why? Are you really that naive to believe the official government story? Nah. I didn’t think so. You are far from being naive, you just don’t want to admit or face the fact that your dear leaders aren’t who you thought they were. They aren’t benevolent. They aren’t transparent. They aren’t loyal to you their precious voter.
Goddess Pelosi had the audacity to appear on ABC’s The View and declare on July 28, 2008 she “saw it as [her] my responsibility to try to bring a much divided country together to the exent that we could (who is “we”?). I [she] thought that impeachment would be divisive for the country…If somebody had a crime that the president had committed, that would be a different story.” Who in the hell did she think she was kidding? You? Me? Joy? Did you see Whoopie’s face?
h/t democrats.com – skip forward to the 5:45 mark to hear Pelosi’s response to Joy Behar’s impeachment question –
Wow! How benevolent. How forgiving. How kind. You’re so smart, Goddess Pelosi! We bow before you and all of your wisdom. You are saving us from ourselves. NOT! NOT! NOT! EVER!
Our dear Speaker then had the temerity to muffle ANY AND ALL investigations responsible Democrat’s were spearheading up to 2007. David Lindorff, Baltimore Chronicle, wrote “Kucinich has a chance to make a historic move and stand out as a Presidential hopeful” opinion piece that nailed it in 2007!
The mountain of evidence of this [Bush] administration’s crimes against the Constitution, the Republic, and the People of the United States has been growing by the month, and Speaker Pelosi’s and the DNC’s position—that it is better to simply run out the clock to 2008 and let the administration continue to mess up—is looking increasingly craven, calculating and unconscionable.
Craving? Calculating? Unconscionable? You betcha!
How about Kucinich’s House Resolution 1258
And the weak kneed fool did! He had the “goods”! No representative in their right mind would ever propose such a resolution IF he didn’t have evidence to support his claim. NONE. Kucinich isn’t stupid, but he swore his allegiance to the wrong Goddess. Why? Tell us Congressman Kucinich? Why’d you sell your soul? We the peasants want to know why? Do tell.
Next, the craven, calculating and unconscionable Goddess Pelosi did this –
After Democrats retook control of the House in 2007, Conyers ascended to chair of the Judiciary Committee and abided by Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) dictate that impeachment was “off the table” for President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. (Price, Deb, “Conyers in new political climate,” The Detroit News, Dec. 11, 2006(10)
ABIDED? HELLO??? Abided by Goddess Pelosi’s request to expunge years of investigation work into the criminal cabal of the Bush crime family? You’ve got to be kidding me. With all do respect, Sir, where in the hell are your testacles? What, you don’t have the balls to stand up to the Goddess? Better yet, protect your own damned integrity? Not buying it Congressman Conyers. Not buying.
So, why? What does Goddess Pelosi and her minority in the Democrat Corporation gain by stonewalling an independent investigation into 9/11 let alone an independent investigation into the sheer lies we the American people were fed day after day by the media puppets on pre emptively attacking Iraq? Think about it. What does Pelosi gain? What does the Democrat Corporation gain by remaining silent about the Bush cabal high crimes and misdemeanors? Why collude with the Republican’s in Congress? Why use your muscle to silence your own caucus members? hhhhmmmm
Answer: to extract silence from your opposition about something illegal you want to do. Let’s call it a “trade”. Goddess Pelosi keeps her caucus’ mouths shut about 9/11 and the Iraq/Afghanistan invasion AND the Republicans will keep their mouths shut about ?????
Fascinating, I tell you…think about it.
To be continued…
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