Why are certain members of the Black Caucus stirring up racial disharmony? Tea Partiers aren’t racist. They are activists, constitutionalists, patriots, the elderly, middle class, black, white, young and old. Why are Democrat’s so afraid of us?
Read this editorial by American Thinker’s, Jack Cashill, The anatomy of a racial smear
And this one by RBO’s Brenda Elliott, Congressman who cried racist one to many times
If I didn’t know any better, this would be the work of Rove, but it’s not; Carville’s fingerprints are all over it. Sad. So sad that the D’s have to conduct such a blatantly dishonest, mean spirited, propaganda campaign to demonize those of us who left our Parties b/c we got sick and tired of being used, lied to and abused.
Grow up and grow a pair!
Cease this ugliness once and for all. Tea Partiers aren’t the ones who are racist’s you D’s are! There is an old saying – when one is pointing a finger at you and accusing you of something, there are three-fingers pointing back at him. The racist card being played by D’s again and again and again is juvenile, disrespectful to all American’s and just plain wrong!
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