The following are various comments from around the blogosphere posted last night or this morning. The first two regard Virginia’s Attorney General, Ken Cuccinelli, who will file a lawsuit on behalf of Virginian’s the moment the President signs the legislation. Other comments came from progressive or Indy blogs aka former Dem’s. Feel free to post others you run across. This is one of the many reasons I love the blogosphere; people from all stripes can freely speak instantly and anonymously. I don’t know how much longer we will be able to enjoy this freedom so let’s take advantage of it while we still have it.
Richmond Times Dispatch – AG Cuccinelli says Virginia will sue over health-care bill reform
Posted by dc on March 22, 2010 at 10:21 am
Seeing as how the medical system was non-existant when the constitution was written, and the financial system was in its infancy, I don’t see where this bill is ‘un-constitutional’.
I do believe that an eventual ‘national sales tax’ will be instituted to pay for this but it doesn’t mean that it isn’t needed. We are all going to have to just groan and absorb the new tax but we should all benefit from the long-term effects as a whole.
Richmond Times Dispatch – AG Cuccinelli says Virginia will sue over health-care bill reform
Posted by JWardresident on March 22, 2010 at 10:17 am
After Social Security and Medicare were passed we had the same opposition running on repeal platforms, and they all lost. Now the Republicans are defending Medicare against “socialist” reform the same way they defended Social Security against “socialist” Medicare.
Yeah, and how are Social Security and Medicare working out so far? Oh that’s right…they’re both broke!!! And the same government that runs those will now be in charge of your total and complete health care. Feel better now?
(PS. Don’t worry about the 17,000 additional IRS agents that will be hired to monitor your money, or the 186 additional government agencies that will be created to make sure that you are living the way they want you to. It’ll all work out in the end.)
UppityWoman – Your Royal Masters are in the house
leslie, on March 20, 2010 at 3:04 PM Said:Today I ran into a friend at the store. She says “we need to pass this HCR now. there is no choice”
I say, “sure there is a choice. Vote NO and put single payer in play”.
I say, “Obama NEVER allowed single payer on the table. the bill is the same one the insurance people wrote in 2009.”
She gets mad and gives me the evil eye.
She says, “People are just reading the propaganda in the paper.
I say, “I don’t read the paper any more. It’s all lies.”I guess we won’t have this conversation again the next time we meet. She is still drinking that koolaid. I never did.
The Confluence – The Riverdaughter blog – “A tragic setback for women’s rights”
kanaughty, on March 22, 2010 at 7:57 am Said:I don’t usually comment, but i have been lurking since hillary’s run and listened to the podcast, just had to tell you RD, this is a beautiful post. Thankyou for you steadfast support of our women’s rights or what we have left of them at this point. In this day in age in this country we really should not have to be fighting against a democratic president and fighting for our rights so hard. It all makes absolutely no sense to me. I feel as if our rights are slipping through our hands like water. Someday they won’t be there and the aplogists will think it is a good thing and still not at all blame barack for any if this. He will still have done no wrong, no harm. I am pretty meloncolly today over this whole thing for our women’s rights future
Tanbark March 22nd, 2010 at 6:38 am
“Can you at least acknowledge that it’s better than nothing?”Not if you’ve got two brain cells to rub together. It does a hell of a lot more for the healthcare robber barons than it does for the american people. As someone noted on another thread, how many of the 30 million who will now be forced to buy junk insurance will do it, instead of paying the fine?
Also, it didn’t even provide for the re-importation of generic foreign drugs, which would have been a healthcare “win” for us that would have been SO effective at cutting into the obscene amounts of money that Big Pharma makes. Instead, Obama and Reid killed the Dorgan amendment.
It mandates all those new customers for the health insurance mafia, at the same time Obama and the dems killed the public option.
Obama and the democratic “leadership” (how NOT to use quotes when talking about democratic “leadership”?) have used women’s reproductive rights like poker chips to try to get the “big win”.
The notion that Obama has “flexed his muscles” is arrant horseshit; if, 10 months ago, he had gone to the mat on this, full-on for single payer, all of this Kabuki would have been avoided, and america would now have decent healthcare for everyone. It would have been a REAL win, not this trojan horse “victory”.
Of course, the healthcare bandits that have attached themselves to americans like leeches, would then have to find honest work. Now, not to worry; Obama has empowered them until a collapse comes, instead of the near collapse which he has inherited and done practically jackshit about.
And, as noted by jbjd just upthread, we’re still going to get hammered in the mid-terms, and how much of a salvage operation will Obama and the dems be able to mount, when those congressional margins are razor-thin or possibly non-existent?The hoopla and PR about this “win” come from one thing: watching Obama neuter himself chasing the bi-partisan pony, as he squanders the most political clout since FDR, has saturated democrats and some progressives in panic-urine and drenched them in flop-sweat. At this point, they will accept ANYTHING as a “win”. It’ll be interesting to watch them react to the polls just before the mid-terms, as they come begging to progressives to come back into the tent to try to help them save their political asses.
I grade Obama and the current “leadership” at a D-minus heading for an F. I think we should interview some new student-applicants.
Firedog Lake “Signed, Sealed but Not Delivered: Six Big Flaws need fixing to Make New Law Meaningful on Healthcare
rationalityplease March 22nd, 2010 at 6:30 amI will keep fighting. Alas, many of my friends think we’ve won something. A stunning number think that there ARE cost controls in this horrid bill and that there IS something in there to actually enforce what few bits of possible good are in the bill.Fewer still understand how badly women were sold out in this process.
It certainly hasn’t helped that so many supposed “progressives” have helped parrot the party line lies about this bill.
It may be a waste of time, but I’ve been writing back every single organization and politician who has emailed me lauding this Faux Reform and castigating them for daring to call this hideous bill “reform” and for their failures to stand up for women’s rights.
Last word PumaPac – Happy Spring! And Historic Vote on the Way
TerryDo 03.21.10 at 11:09 pm
An interesting interpretation by Jon Kraushar:
Obama to America — I Win, You Lose
By Jon Kraushar
–“Give me tyranny and give me debt” has replaced “Give me liberty or give me death.”
With his health care holy war, President Obama is sending America at least 10 messages since taking office:
1. I win; you lose.
2. My will; not the will of the people.
3. Government of Obama, by Obama, for Obama; not government of the people, by the people, for the people.
4. Corrupt House rules and autocracy; not play by the rules and democracy.
5. “I’ll tread on you” now steps on “Don’t tread on me.”
6. “I, the president”; not “We, the People.”
7. “All men are created equal” but I am more equal than others.
8. “The dissent of the president” overrules “the consent of the governed.”
9. “Give me tyranny and give me debt” replaces “Give me liberty or give me death.”
10. “That government is best which governs most” supersedes “That government is best which governs least.”
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